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Q: Which country or region had the highest amount of military spending in 2008?
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Which was an example of deficit spending during the war?

An example of deficit spending during world war II was military spending that surpassed the amount of taxes that the government was collecting. The government took great efforts in convincing the American people that rationing was an equitable act.

What is the Highest paying military jobs?

Military pay (Basic Pay) is determined by rank and longevity of service, not by actual job. The highest paying military "jobs" are the highest ranking military officers; admirals for the Navy and Coast Guard and generals for the rest. Some "jobs" within the military may have special pays associated with them due to the technical requirements or dangers associated with a particular job. These special pays are, however, limited in the amount they pay. Special pays range from as little as $75 per month to a high of no more than $400 per month (may be old data as I have been retired from the military for about 8-9 years).

What country suffered the least amount of deaths in World War 2?

Cuba,Newfoundland and Switzerland have only an estimated 100 hundred died (civilian and military combined) each.

What country lost the greatest amount of land in the creation of new nations?

can someone answer

What percentage of the federal budget is spent on the military?

As shown below, the % the US budget spent on the US military can depends on whether one includes the "hidden expenses" such as the Department of Energy, NSA, CIA, war debt, Veteran's benefits (which deceptively are not included in the official military budget), and other expenses. It also depends on whether one includes Social Security as part of the overall budget. Some say it is not a correct element of the overall Federal budget since individuals pay in to as a fund. (If one cannot afford to pay into the social security "Trust Fund", one does not receive the benefit upon retirement, unlike the retirement benefits in most other developed nations who pay retirement pensions as a right to all citizens, whether one pays into a "fund" or not.) Another way to get useful related information is to compare how much $ has been spent on the US military/war with the amount of US revenue that has been received. Although it only provides a snap-shot of spending vs revenue year-to-date, it be very accurate when viewed at the end of the fiscal year. Currently, as of Aug 2012, about 28.3% of US revenue has been spent on the US military/war this year according to official reports. However when not including the "hidden" expenses and mandatory spending such as the separate "tax" of social security, it is much larger . Most anti-war groups such as the War Resister's League and the liberal journal, the Nation Magazine point to hidden spending not included in official statistics that include veteran's benefits, the war portion of the Department of Energy (of which approximately 90% of it funds have gone to nuclear weapons), and the undisclosed funds for departments including the CIA, NSA and the increasing myriad of other similar "national security" departments. They say that the government's view of the budget is a distortion of how our income tax dollars are spent because it includes Trust Funds (e.g., Social Security), and the expenses of past military spending are not distinguished from nonmilitary spending. The 2009 U.S. military budget is almost as much as the rest of the world's defense spending combined.

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Which was an example of deficit spending during the war?

An example of deficit spending during world war II was military spending that surpassed the amount of taxes that the government was collecting. The government took great efforts in convincing the American people that rationing was an equitable act.

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Tennessee. i think that's spelled right?

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America has the highest, considering the amount of technology it has produced. Seeing as both Microsoft, and apple are American companys.

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Please describe what you are spending..

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