

Which country sun on the 12PM night?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Most countries set timezones such that mid-day is about noon. Some may alter this slightly with daylight savings time that will give more sun in the mornings and less in the evenings.

Large countries like the USA and Russia have multiple timezones so different regions still have the day more or less centered around noon.

Russia actually covers 11 time zones. So, when it is midnight in Moscow, it would be 11AM in far eastern Russia.

Places north of the Arctic Circle, or south of the Antarctic Circle will have days of complete darkness during the winter, and days of 24 hour light (with the exception of shade) during the summer.

Most of Greenland lies above the Arctic Circle and would have a few days of 24 hour sunlight. Likewise with parts of Alaska, parts of Canada, about half of Russia, and parts of some other northern European countries.

Svalbard is a Norwegian island entirely north of the Arctic Circle, and would have 24 hour days in the summer.

Antarctica is not really a country, but is a continent that almost entirely lies south of the Antarctic circle. There are a few islands scattered around the Antarctic circle, but no other continents in the area.

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