

Arctic Circle

The Arctic Circle is a major circle of latitude located at 66.5 degrees north of the equator. It defines the polar region and marks the southernmost point of the polar day and polar night during the June and December solstices respectively.

530 Questions

What are the names of the lines of latitude north of the Arctic Circle?

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The lines of latitude north of the Arctic Circle are the Tropic of Cancer, the Equator, and the Prime Meridian.

How do you build a shelter in the Arctic Circle?

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To build a shelter in the Arctic Circle, you would typically use materials like snow blocks or ice blocks to construct an igloo or snow cave. These structures provide insulation against the cold temperatures and wind. It's important to pack the snow or ice tightly to ensure a sturdy and stable shelter.

What kind of clothes would Goldilocks be wearing in the Arctic Circle?

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Goldilocks would be wearing woolen clothes


What is the latitude and longitude of Commonwealth Bay in Antarctica?

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The latitude and longitude of Commonwealth Bay in Antarctica is approximately 66.25°S latitude and 142.13°E longitude.

Are there mountains in the Arctic Circle?

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Yes, there are mountains in the Arctic Circle. For example, the Scandinavian Mountains run through Norway and Sweden, while the Brooks Range spans across northern Alaska. These mountain ranges provide habitat for unique flora and fauna adapted to the cold environment of the Arctic Circle.

What is the arctic latitude?

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Geographically, the Arctic is that area around the north pole where the sun does not set at the summer soltice or rise at the winter soltice. This is latitude 66° 32' N which is called the Artic Circle. Climatically, the Arctic Region is defined as those northern areas where the July temperatures do not reach 50°F or 10°C. The latitude of these condions varies both north and south of the Arctic circle. Since they occur on all sides of the north pole, the Arctic, by either definition includes all longitudes.

When it is day at the Arctic Circle what is it at the Antarctic Circle?

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When it is day at the Arctic Circle, it is night at the Antarctic Circle. This is because the Earth's tilt causes one pole to be in 24-hour daylight while the other experiences 24-hour darkness, depending on the time of year.

How far is the arctic circle from Edmonton Alberta Canada?

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The Arctic Circle is approximately 1,800 kilometers (1,118 miles) north of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

What gigantic island is primarily in the Arctic Circle?

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Greenland is the gigantic island primarily in the Arctic Circle. With 85% of its surface covered in ice, it is the world's largest island.

What continent does the eqater pass through?

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The equator passes through three continents: Africa, South America, and Asia.

What is the distance in miles between the Arctic circle and the Tropic of Capricorn?

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The distance between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Capricorn is approximately 6,215 miles (10,000 kilometers).

Is the tropic of caprion north or south o fthe Antarctic circle?

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The Tropic of Capricorn is north of the Antarctic Circle. It is a circle of latitude that lies approximately 23.5 degrees south of the Equator.

What hemisphere are the tropic of Capricorn and antarctic circle are in?

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The Tropic of Capricorn is located in the Southern Hemisphere, while the Antarctic Circle is also in the Southern Hemisphere. These geographical lines mark important reference points on Earth related to the positions of the sun and the Earth's axial tilt.

How would you capitalize this sentence would you rather live nearer the tropic of Capricorn or the arctic circle?

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Would you rather live nearer the Tropic of Capricorn or the Arctic Circle?

What woild be the line of longitude for a place that is west of the prime meridian and halfway between the prime meridian and the 80 line of longitude?

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The line of longitude for a place that is halfway between the prime meridian and the 80th line of longitude and west of the prime meridian would be -40 degrees longitude. The prime meridian is at 0 degrees, and halfway between 0 and 80 is 40 degrees. Since the location is west of the prime meridian, the longitude would be measured as negative.

How many degrees of latitude are between the tropic of Capricorn and the arctic circle?

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There are 47 degrees of latitude between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Arctic Circle.

How does the south pole have 24 hours of dayligt?

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At the South Pole during the summer solstice in December, the sun remains above the horizon for 24 hours due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. This phenomenon is known as the Midnight Sun, when the sun doesn't set for a full day. Conversely, during the winter solstice in June, the South Pole experiences 24 hours of darkness.

What is the water cycle of the Arctic?

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In the Arctic, the water cycle is similar to other regions but with some unique features due to the extreme cold temperatures. Water from the Arctic Ocean evaporates, forming sea ice and snow. Melting sea ice and snow contribute to freshwater sources in the region, while precipitation can fall as snow or rain. The frozen nature of the Arctic means that water storage in ice caps and glaciers is significant in this region.

What is the distance between the Arctic Circle and latitude 68 degrees?

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The distance between the Arctic Circle and latitude 68 degrees varies depending on the longitude. At the equator, 1 degree of latitude is approximately 111 kilometers (69 miles). Therefore, the distance between the Arctic Circle and latitude 68 degrees can be calculated by multiplying the difference in latitude by the conversion factor.

What is the correct capitlization for Would you rather live nearer the tropic of Capricorn or the arctic circle?

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The correct capitalization is: Would you rather live nearer the Tropic of Capricorn or the Arctic Circle?

What is the average temperature of the Arctic Circle in the day?

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During the summer months, the average temperature in the Arctic Circle can range from 0°C to 10°C during the day. However, in the winter months, average temperatures can drop below -30°C during the day.

What region is north of the Arctic Circle in the frigid zone?

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The region north of the Arctic Circle is within the Arctic Circle region, which is part of the frigid zone. This area experiences extreme cold temperatures and is characterized by polar conditions with long periods of darkness in winter and continuous daylight in summer.

Name the line of latitude that runs through the north of iceland?

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The line of latitude that runs through the north of Iceland is the Arctic Circle, which is at approximately 66.5 degrees north latitude.

What land masses are in the Arctic Circle?

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The Arctic Circle includes parts of North America (Alaska in the United States and northern Canada), Europe (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia), and Asia (Russia). This region is characterized by cold temperatures, permafrost, and ice-covered seas.

What is the circle that is 23.5 degrees north of the equator?

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The circle that is 23.5 degrees north of the equator is called the Tropic of Cancer. This line marks the northernmost latitude where the sun can be directly overhead at noon.