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Q: Which country was the first to respond to the assassination of Sarajevo?
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What were the two main events in the First world war?

I would say one of them in the Assassination of Serbian Archduke- Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia.. I really don't know..

Which was more important as a cause of the First World War the Moroccan crises 1905 and 1911 the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo in 1914?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand because it was the spark that led to WW 1 and the death of milllions.

What is Franz Ferdinand famous for?

Franz Ferdinand is famous because of the fact that his assassination triggered the beginning of the First World War. Franz Ferdinand was a heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary and he was assassinated in Sarajevo in the year 1914.

How did Sarajevo trigger WW1?

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife was probably the main trigger for the First World War. It meant that Austria-Hungary had more reason to be against them, and the Archduke dying gave Serbia a bad name.

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We are likely to respond first because when we are given a warning that something is coming,we will evacuate quickly.

Which came first pendleton act or president Garfield was assassination?

Garfield's assassination came first. The Pendleton Act was largely a response to the assassination .

How did the assassination of Austrian archduke and his wife in Sarajevo's lead to world war 1?

The Archduke Ferdinand was heir to the Prussian throne. His death caused an outage in Prussia which declared war on Serbia, who in turn had treaties with other European countries to aid it in case of war. As each country was brought into war, it would have treaties with another that would oblige it to aid it in case of war. It was the same for both sides. It was very much like falling dominoes. The assassination of the Archduke is what tipped the the first domino.

How did the assassination of the Austrian archduke and his wife in Sarajevo lead to world war 1?

The Archduke Ferdinand was heir to the Prussian throne. His death caused an outage in Prussia which declared war on Serbia, who in turn had treaties with other European countries to aid it in case of war. As each country was brought into war, it would have treaties with another that would oblige it to aid it in case of war. It was the same for both sides. It was very much like falling dominoes. The assassination of the Archduke is what tipped the the first domino.

In 1994 what happed to the country sarajevo?

First of all Sarajevo isn't a country, it's the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina. in 1994 Bosnia and Herzegovina was in war,acctualy ,pretty much the entire Balkans were in war.Serbia ataked Bosnia.their goal was to kill all Bosnians muslims. and the year 1994 was the 4th year since the ethnic cleaning started

Is Bosnia and Herzegovina a developed country?

It is a developing country. 80% of Bosnia's economy was devastated during the war that lasted from 1992 to 1995. At first glance Sarajevo, the capital seems like any other european capital.

Which was the first country to declare war on another country at the outbreak of World War 1?

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia after the assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand starting WWI

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Andrew Johnson being the first person to be president after Lincolns assassination