

Which creature was commonly associated with malaria?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease of humans

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Q: Which creature was commonly associated with malaria?
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What creature is commonly associated with malaria?

Is the mosquito

Which creature is commonly associated with malaria?

Malaria is mosquito borne.Name of that creature is mosquito. The variety is anopheles mosquito. Sir Robert Ross called it as mosquito with dappled wings. It sits on the all with an angle of about 45 degree.

What creature is associated with malaria?

Aedes mosquitoes

Which creature is commonly assosiated with malaris?

Mosquitoes can cause malaria.

Which animal is commonly associated with malaria?

The mosquito.

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What creature carries the disease malaria?

Malaria is carried by the mosquito.

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malaria is found in swamps because then the female mosquito can lay her eggs and when people drink the water the parasite goes inside them

What could a conclusion be on an essay about malaria?

Malaria is a dangerous disease caused by a viral infection. This disease is commonly transmitted by mosquito bites to humans and other animals.

What could a conclusion be on essay about malaria?

malaria is a dangerous disease caused by a viral infection. This disease is commonly transmitted by mosquito bites to humans and other animals.