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Q: Which describes a difference between the declaration of independence and the US constitution?
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What statement accurately describes a difference between the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution?

The US Constitution established rules for the US government, well the Declaration of Independence did not

Which statement accurately describes a similarity between the us constitution and the declaration of independence?

Both reflect ideas of Enlightenment thinkers. :)

Why was the Declaration of independenc writen?

Go to and type in The declaration of Independence and click on the summary and it describes it in a totally non-boring way.

Which statement best describes that principle underlying the declaration of independence?

if this is for some APLAC assignment, do it yourself.

What best describes the manner in which Jefferson presented the American call for independence in the Declaration?

bold and self reliant

What documents and ideals characterize the armies professionalism and culture and describes the ethical standards expected of all soldiers?

constitution Declaration of Independence army regulations army history army culture army values soldiers creed

What documents and ideals characterize the Army's professionalism and culture and describes the ethical standards expected of all soldiers?

constitution Declaration of Independence army regulations army history army culture army values soldiers creed

What do Declaration of Independence The Constitution and The Bill of Rights have in common?

To learn what the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights say it is best t0 read those documents. As a short summary, the Declaration of Independence explains what nasty things the King of the UK and his government was doing to the American colonies and their citizens (in their view) and says that because of that they have a right to break their ties with the United Kingdom. The Constitution describes the organization of the United States federal government and says what the different powers are of each branch of government. The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution, being the first ten (10) amendments to that document. Taken as a whole, the Bill of Rights explicitly limits the powers of the government is a number of areas. The text of these documents can be seen at many places on the internet. Among them, the Constitution can be seen at the Declaration at

What best describes Abigail Adam's attitude toward the declaration of independence?

She believed that it did not go far enough.

What best describes how these ideas relate to the declaration of independence?

They serve as the inspiration for the philosophical beliefs promoted in the declaration

What rights did the Declaration of Independence secure?

None. The rights it describes are God-given. The Declaration of Independence bravely affirms that the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (meaning the value procured by labor) are unalienable rights given equally to all people by their Creator.

The Preamble to the US Constitution did what?

A preamble is an introduction to a declaration , constitution, or other official document.