

Which dinosaur is bigger bryonx or spinosaurus?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Which dinosaur is bigger bryonx or spinosaurus?
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The dinosaur king of the jurassic was the mighty Spinosaurus

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No. The largest carnivorous dinosaur discovered so far is the Spinosaurus.

What was the biggest carnivorous dinosaur?

it can be spinosaurus giganotosauru or carcharodonthosaurus

Which is better, T. rex or Spinosaurus?

even though the T rex is more popular I gotta give the spinosaurus a 6 out of 10 because hey it can swim sure the Trex has a bigger bite force but spinosaurus was famous because it was the biggest carnivores dinosaur. hey a bigger is better

Why are you writing that T-rex is the biggest dinosaur who ever walked on earth when it is more then one that is bigger then it?

I never. Spinosaurus and Giganotosaurus are wayyy bigger than the rex.

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No. Spinosaurus was the largest known carnivorous dinosaur, but some of the herbivores, particularly the sauropods, where much larger.

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Biggest carnivore dinosaur?

The spinosaurus was the largest carniverous dinosaur. It is called spinosaurus because of the fin on its bag. This dinosaur was a water dwelling dinosaur that was hunted by the largest crocodile that ever lived.

Which meat eater dinosaur is bigger than Gigantosaurus?

Some scientists say Spinosaurus, but most say that Giganotosaurus was the biggest theropod.