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The rising action of the plot is were the conflict an the suspense build in a story.

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6mo ago

Uncertainty about the outcome, conflicting desires or goals among characters, and time constraints are all factors that can directly build tension in a story. By creating opposition, suspense, and urgency, these elements can keep readers engaged and eager to see how events unfold.

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11y ago

It is used to create rapt attention from the audience.

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8y ago

Building tension in a story is an art. It requires you show, not tell, but at the same time, leave out details.

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12y ago

Inciting incident

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exposition and complication

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Q: Which directly builds tension in a story?
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What is the raiseng action on the story?

"Rising action" is the part of the story where the conflict and tension builds as events unfold leading to the climax. It includes moments of rising tension, complications, and obstacles that the characters must navigate before reaching the climax.

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rising action

What is the part of a plot in the conflict builds up gradually in intensity?

The rising action is the part of a plot where the conflict builds up gradually in intensity. This is when the tension and complications in the story increase, leading to the climax.

What part of the story is when suspense builds as the characters try to solve there problem?

The rising action is when suspense builds as the characters face obstacles and try to solve their problem. This is the part of the story where tension and conflict escalate, leading towards the climax.

What is true of tension in a work of fiction?

It builds interest.

What do you look for in the rising action of a story?

In the rising action of a story, I look for character development, increasing tension or conflict, and the progression of the plot towards the climax. This is where the major events unfold and lead the story towards its peak.

What is a problem in the story the day of destiny?

In the story "The Day of Destiny," the main problem is that the protagonist must face a life-changing decision or an imminent threat that will determine their fate or future. The story builds tension around this critical moment and its resolution.

How are tension and story's climax related?

Tension in a story typically builds as the characters face obstacles and conflict. The climax is the highest point of tension in the story where the conflict reaches its peak before being resolved. So, tension helps lead to the climax of the story, creating a moment of maximum intensity and resolution.

Which of the following is true of tension in a work of fiction?

It builds interest.

Which best describes an incident in a dramatic plot?

Action that builds tension

Knowles builds a lot of tension in his?

works by carefully crafting suspenseful narratives, utilizing dramatic contrasts, and incorporating moments of high emotional intensity. Through skillful development of plot and characters, Knowles creates a sense of anticipation and unease that keeps readers engaged and on edge until the climax of the story.