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Q: Which discovery is most directly related to careers in biology?
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What biology related careers can you obtain without a Bachelor's degree?

That is my question.....can you answer it for me?

Where can I find information on Biology related jobs?

There are tons of sites with lots of information on jobs that are Biology related. Sciweb is a good place to start, with a list of different careers and professions.

Students study habits and their academic performance in biology?

Students study habits and their academic performance in Biology are directly related. The better the student's study habits are the better they will perform in Biology.

What is the branch of biology that only related in biology?

There is no branch of biology that is only related to biology. Science is interconnected.

The discovery of cells is linked most directly the development of the?

Effort To Reproduce Organisms In The Labratory(:

Why is it that our body is related to biology?

Our body is related to biology because a big part of biology is the study of the body!

How are lizards related to science?

Lizards are animals, and animals are related to biology, and biology is related to science.

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list of occupations not related to biology?

What is common in those items related to biology?

There is one very common thread in items related to biology. All items that are related to biology are living.

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What are some branches of biology that are related to taxonomy?

The science of taxonomy is particularly related to evolutionary biology, and to ecology.

Where can you get a Ph.D on marine biology?

To research colleges and universities that offer graduate programs, click on the related links section ( indicated directly below this answer section.