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you will have a stroke...................

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The answers is Cerebrovascular accident.

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Q: Which disorder occurs when there is a loss of blood flow and in turn oxygen to the brain?
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How can you distinguish between a brain injury caused by hyponatremia and a brain injury caused by anoxia or hypothermia or bypass?

Hyponatremia occurs when there is a serious deficiency of sodium in the blood. Blood tests would be able to detect whether this is the problem.Anoxic brain injury is the result of a major lack of oxygen to the brain. When the brain doesn't receive proper amounts of glucose and oxygen, nerves in the cortex where cells originate are damaged. It takes about five minutes for lack of oxygen to permanently damage the brain. Anoxic brain injury causes diffuse damage, meaning that it causes damage throughout the brain. Causes of Anoxic Brain Injury There are three types of anoxic brain injury. Anemic anoxia is a result of blood that doesn't carry enough oxygen. Toxic anoxia is caused by toxins that block oxygen in the blood from being used. Anoxic anoxia occurs when no oxygen is supplied to the brain. Common causes of all three types include: * Respiratory arrest * Drowning * Heart attack * Carbon monoxide inhalation * Poisoning Symptoms of Anoxic Brain Injury While symptoms will vary based upon the area of the brain that's affected, common signs of anoxic brain injury include: * Cognitive issues * Weakness in arms and legs * Lack of coordination; abnormal movements * Visual problems * Emotional and behavioral problems Prognosis for Anoxic Brain Injury Degree and rate of recovery is highly dependent upon individual circumstances. The amount of time spent unconscious or in a coma, as well as how much is recovered within the first month, are good indicators of long-term recovery.

How is the brain supplied with blood?

Yes, the brain is supplied with blood that carries oxygen.

What is it called when blood stops reaching the brain?

When your heart stops beating, there is no blood getting to your brain. And so what happens is that within about 10 sec., brain activity ceases.When doctors shine a light into someone's pupil, it's to demonstrate that there is no reflex present. The eye reflex is mediated by the brain stem, and that's the area that keeps us alive; if that doesn't work, then that means that the brain itself isn't working.

Lack of oxygen to the brain?

in pre-natal lack of oxygen causes cerebral palsy and in adults a slow lack of oxygen in brian leading to a decrease in intelligence is called a hypoxic dementia fast lack of oxygen to brain leading to an infraction being a stroke ..... by dreambb

Blood get pump from the ...... to the lungs to pick up oxygen?

Right ventricle. Blood gets pumped from the body to the lungs where it is oxygenated then returns to the heart where it is pumped to the the other organs that need oxygen, e.g. the brain.

Related questions

Is a stroke a heart disease or disorder?

A stroke occurs when there is a blocked vessel in the brain. If there is a blockage, no oxygen will pass through, thus a stroke occurs. It's not a heart disease nor is it a disorder.

What disease occurs when the brain does not receive enough sufficient oxygen-rich blood through the blood vessels?


What are the different types of Stroke?

There are two major kinds of stroke, ischemic and hemorrhagic. In an ischemic stroke a blood vessel becomes blocked, usually by a blood clot and a portion of the brain becomes deprived of oxygen and will stop functioning. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain burst and spills blood into the brain. When this happens, a portion of the brain becomes deprived of oxygen and will stop functioning.

What are the 2 different types of stroke?

There are two major kinds of stroke, ischemic and hemorrhagic. In an ischemic stroke a blood vessel becomes blocked, usually by a blood clot and a portion of the brain becomes deprived of oxygen and will stop functioning. A hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain burst and spills blood into the brain. When this happens, a portion of the brain becomes deprived of oxygen and will stop functioning.

What organ in the human body uses 40 percent of the oxygen in your blood?

The brain is the organ that uses about 20% of the oxygen in your blood.

Why are there blood vessels around the brain?

The blood vessels around the brain help supply energy for your brain

Why does the blood leaving most organs in the brain have less oxygen than when it entered the brain?

The blood leaving most organs in the brain has less oxygen because the brain consumes a significant amount of oxygen and nutrients. As the blood flows through the brain, oxygen and other nutrients are extracted by the brain cells for their metabolic needs. This results in a decrease in oxygen content in the blood leaving the brain.

What does blood do in the brain?

Blood circulates oxygen and nutrients through the brain.

What blood does in the brain?

Blood circulates oxygen and nutrients through the brain.

What are the harmfulsubstances in cigarette smoke and why?

Carbon monoxide (CO) Occurs when burning anything. It starves the blood/brain of oxygen by binding with the haemoglobin in the blood making it permanently unable to bind with, and thus carry, oxygen.

What is the name of the injury to the brain when there is a blood clot?

The common term for a brain injury caused by blood clotting or blockage is 'stroke'. A stroke occurs because the brain is not receiving the oxygen it needs to function. Even a few seconds without blood can be extremely damaging and possibly fatal.

What is Ischemia Disorder?

Lack of oxygen , in mental illness, specifically to the brain.