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Q: Which distance in pitch between to diffrent notes is called an?
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What does the musical term step mean?

A step is the distance between two notes. A half step is the shortest (tonal) distance between two notes (such as between B and C), and a whole step is therefore a distance of two half steps between two notes (such as between C and D, since C#/Db is between them).

What is the distance between 2 pitches on a piano?

the distance between two keys next to each other is called a half-step. The distance between any two notes is called an intravel. Each intravel has its own name, second, flattened third, natural third, fourth, etc....

What does the tone of the note mean?

notice how there are no black noted between e and f or between b and c, but all the other notes on a keyboard have a black note between them? The distance from E to F or from B to C is calles a semitone. Alle the other white notes have a black note between them and this distance is called a tone! glad i could help

What is a slide between two notes called?

I am in band so I know that a slide between two notes is called a tie when they are the same note and a slur if it is two different notes.

What smallest distance between two adjacent notes on a piano is a?

A. whole note

What is the smallest distance between two adjacent notes on a piano?

A half step.

The smallest distance between two adjacent notes on a piano is a?

A. Half Step.

What are the letters in music called?

The letters in music are called the musical alphabet. The letters represent notes, and there are 12 of them. Natural notes are given the letters A through G. The other notes are in between natural notes and they are called sharps and flats.

What is the musical space between notes called?

A 'rest'.