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Q: Which do muscles interact with to accomplish locomotion in animals?
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How do muscles and skeleton combine together to facilitate locomotion?

The way the muscles are attached to the bones is what facilitates locomotion. The muscles contract which makes the bones move and creates locomotion.

Function of muscles of the boby?

Muscles move your bones, therefor making locomotion possible.

How does non muscular movement occur in animal?

Non muscular movement occur in animals that do not need to contract and expand muscles in order to move. The two type of locomotion that do not need muscles include ciliary and amoeboid movements.

What is the interaction of muscles witt the skeleton that causes body movement?


Locomotion in annelids is accomplished through the interaction of muscles and?

Paired setae

Do animals have muscles?

Animals can have muscles.

How do muscles work with bones to allow locomotion in humans?

Muscles do is to command the bones to move and you need food and energy to move around.

What are the functional partners of bone?

The muscles are the functional partners for motion and locomotion; movement of the body.

Why plants cannot show locomotion?

Because they have no structures like muscles to move with. They are rooted to the ground.

What two systems act together to facilitate movement and locomotion?

The skeleton The muscles The nervous system.

How earthworms move though they don't have bones?

Bones are not essential for locomotion . Earthworm move by using circular and longitudinal muscles along with setae and shoe accordion like locomotion .

What is the function of the skelekton?

Locomotion ... it acts as a lever system for the muscles to work on.