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Go see an endocrinologist

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Q: Which doctor can prescribe medicine for gynecomastia in men?
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Related questions

Why do men with cirrhosis of the liver develop gynecomastia?

Men with cirrhosis of the liver will often develop gynecomastia from increased production of estrogens.

When is gynecomastia not appropriate?

Excessive alcohol intake, marijuana use, or using anabolic steroids may cause gynecomastia. Surgery is not recommended for men who continue to use these products.

What does a sports medicine doctor do on a daily basis?

Makes men bend over and cough

What is the condition called for men with large breasts?

the condition man boobs is called: genecomastia

What is the best medicine for men's health?

That depends on what problems, if any, you have. Ask your doctor. There s no single medicine that is good for all things at all times..

what is the medical term for MD?

managing director

What is the difference between a Family Medicine Doctor and a Internal Medicine Doctor?

Internal medicine is usually for adults and the illnesses that come with that age group. Family practitioner is for all age groups. Men, women, children, etc.

What does broob mean?

The portmanteau "broob" is a combination of "bro" and "boob" and describes a condition resembling gynecomastia in African American men.

What is a male doctor called?

Male and female physicians are called, 'Doctor'. There are no gender-based titles in medicine. If you mean a doctor who specializes in boys or men's private parts, then that would be a urologist. The doctor may be either male or female.

Medicine for men to make a lady pregnant?

Nearly all men make sperm, which is what makes a woman pregnant. Men transfer sperm to the woman by sexual intercourse - the whole process is natural and does not need medicine. For the very few men who do not produce live sperm, the best course is to see a doctor, who will get tests to see if the situation can be improved.

How does a man mentally affected by the gynecomastia?

This can effect a man in a variety of ways. Certain side effects include loss of appetitie, loss of sleep, and other nusaince issues. Men can develop serious insecurities and an unhealthy body image. it is possible to have plastic surgery to correct gynecomastia.

What makes the men testicle big?

There can be several reasons. See your doctor. If the swelling is due to an infection, the doctor will prescribe medication. If it is due to cancer, the earliest it is diagnosed, the better the chance of recovery.