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Q: Which document did thomas Jefferson write at the direction of the second contineltal congress?
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What group of leaders wanted Thomas Jefferson to dedclare war on great Britain?

Jefferson only wrote the Declaration of Independence for Congress. It was the 55 men of congress who signed their names to the document that declared war.

Was part of the declaration of independence written in Milton Ma?

The document was written by Thomas Jefferson, and edited by the Continental congress

At the Jefferson memorial what is Jefferson holding?

A rolled document

Where was the declaration of independence writen?

It was written in what is now the Constitution Hall. Thomas Jefferson rented an appartment while he was writing the document. He was a part of the second continental congress. Later Mr. Jefferson became the third president.

Who was asked to write the declaration of independence before Thomas Jefferson?

The Continental Congress appointed the Committee of Five - composed of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, & Robert Livingston - to draft the Declaration of Independence. The committee, after discussing the general outline that the document should follow, decided that Jefferson would write the first draft. It may have been John Adams who suggested that Jefferson be the one to write the first draft. After completing the first draft, the committee read, discussed and revised the document before Jefferson prepared a new draft to be submitted to the entire congress. The entire congress then discussed, debated, and made a few changes to that draft to produce the version that is now famous.

Who wrote the Decleration of Independes?

The Declaration of Independence was written by a young lawyer named Thomas Jefferson. The document was reviewed and corrected by Ben Franklin and other Patriots before being finally written down as a formal document.

What did Jefferson tell Congress in 1803 would help the US stay out of the affairs of European countries?

In 1803, Jefferson told Congress the Atlantic Ocean would help the US stay out of the affairs of European countries. However, he did reluctantly draft a document of support.

Thomas Jefferson was the author of what document?

Thomas Jefferson was the author of the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE

Author of the declaration of the indepence?

John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman, and Robert R. Livingston wrote the Declaration of Independence but Jefferson did most of the writing. Congress approved of their document on July 4th, 1776. Inependence Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What document did Thomas Jefferson write and how old was he when he wrote it?

and 1775 he wrote the document

What was the special job that the continental congress told john Adams Benjamin Franklin Robert livingston roger sherman and Thomas Jefferson?

Answerdeclaration of independencetheir jobs were to draft and sign the declaration of independence and since they were in the continental congress...that guaranteed them a spot on the document

Who did not sign the mayflower document?

Thomas Jefferson.