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Q: Which drink was invented by Charles Leiper Grigg in 1929?
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Who invented seven up?

The person who invented seven up the soft drink is Charles Leiper Grigg and you can check that on some other website if you think I'm wrong.

When was 7 up made?

The Dr. Pepper Snapple Group manufactures the soft drink 7up in the United States. The company PepsiCo is the manufacturer of 7up for the rest of the world.

What is the name of CL Grigg's soft drink?


What does the 7 stand for in the drink 7up?

PCH= Nobody knows for sureAnswerI have heard that the seven came from the flavors. The "up" part came from the direction the bubbles go. You would think that they could be a bit more creative with the name. Well acually it's named 7 up because:the bottle weight 7 ounces and the direction of the bubbles go upFor a list of possible answers, go to: scroll down to Name Origin.== ==

CL grigg of the howdy corporation created this drink but never explained how it got its name what drink is this?


When was dr pepper invented-?

Dr.Pepper was invented in 1885 by a pharmacist named Charles Alderton!

Who invented Dr. Pepper?

in 1885, Charles Alderton invented the soft drink, Dr. Pepper.

Who invented DrPepper?

In 1885, in Waco, Texas, a young pharmacist called Charles Alderton invented the soft drink "Dr Pepper".

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some rootbeer was alcoholic and some was not. but the soft drink of rootbeer was invented by Charles Elmer Himer on may 16, 1866

Where was the Dr Pepper drink originally invented?

Dr. Pepper was invented in Waco, Texas, at Morrison's Old Carmen Drug store in 1885.

What year was monster energy drink invented?

The Monster Energy Drink was invented in 2002

Who invented the monster enegy drink?

A company in the State of California by the name of Hansen Natural's invented the "Monster Energy Drink".