

Which drug is usually injected snorted or smoked?

Updated: 3/11/2020
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13y ago

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You can do all three with methamphetamine.

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Q: Which drug is usually injected snorted or smoked?
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According to the "Health and Wellness" Glencoe book.Five ways a drug can enter the body:Mouth.Injection.Inhalation.Absorption.Implantation.

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No. Crack is a cocaine based drug that is often smoked or snorted.

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It depends on which drug it is and how much, how often and how recently you smoked, swallowed, snorted, injected or otherwise took it. Some drugs can be flushed out with water quickly, some take time to do so, and others cannot at all.

What are five ways to take drugs?

A drug can be smoked, swallowed, snorted, injected, or absorbed through the skin. Although there are very few drugs that can be absorbed through the skin. The only one that I know of is LSD. Not all drugs can be taken the four other ways, either (smoking, swallowing, snorting, injecting). For example, regular cocaine can be snorted or injected, but crack cocaine can neither be snorted nor injected. Crack cocaine can only be smoked or swallowed. I have also heard that cocaine (and maybe other drugs, too) can be taken by inserting them into your vagina, but I have no idea how that works.

How long does iv cocaine stay in your system if you have to pass a drug test?

Three days, same as snorted or smoked cocaine.

What is the difference between heroin and crack?

Heroin is an opioid drug made from morphine, while crack is a form of cocaine. Heroin is typically injected, snorted, or smoked, while crack is smoked. Both drugs are highly addictive and can have serious health consequences.

Heroin and morphine are commonly injected drugs?

Both can be injected. Heroin can be smoked as well. Heroin is more common in drug abuser circles. It is also highly compulsive once addicted and quite dangerous if taken incorrectly. Many addicts aren't able to break their addictions and turn to crime to support the habit. Morphine is still abused, but not to the same extent as Heroin.

How does cocaine administered to the body?

Snorting nasaly, shooting intravenously, smoking (add a drops of water and some baking soda..called a cookie sheet) , orally, and last but certainly not least, in the butt (yes, u can actually put coke in your bottom and it will be absorbed within the thin membrane lining of the rectum thus getting u high). Hope I have helped somehow!

What blue drug is snorted?

Well you can put blue colouring in anything.... but blue is also usually caffeine.

How is meth used?

Methamphetamine comes in many forms and can be smoked, snorted, orally ingested, or injected. The drug alters moods in different ways, depending on how it is taken.

How the drug speed is taken?

It can be swallowed or snorted