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Gross domestic products.....APEX ;]

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Enos Reichel

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2y ago
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Q: Which economic indicators measures the overall value of goods and services?
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Which of the following economic indicators measures the overall value of goods and services?

Gross domestic products

What helps economics judge the overall condition of a particular countrys economy?

A measurement of economic indicators.

What is the purpose of economic indicators?

To judge the overall condition of a particular country's economy.

What triple bottom line indicators?

Triple bottom line indicators are used to measure a company's social, environmental, and economic impact. Common indicators include social metrics like employee satisfaction and community engagement, environmental metrics such as energy consumption and waste reduction, and economic measures like revenue growth and profitability. By tracking these indicators, businesses can assess their overall sustainability performance.

Is the purpose of economic indicators?

To judge the overall condition of a particular country's economy.

How would you define a lagging economic indicator?

The lagging indicators change direction after the overall economy has moved, while coincident indicators move in tandem with the aggregate economic activity.

What do you understand by social indicators of development?

Social indicators of development are measures that assess the well-being and quality of life of a society, such as education levels, healthcare access, poverty rates, and social equality. They help to gauge the progress and impact of development efforts on a population's social welfare and overall prosperity. These indicators provide a more holistic perspective on development beyond just economic growth.

Which helps economists judge the overall condition of a particular country's economy?

A measurement of economic indicators: )

Which of the following helps economists judge the overall condition of particular country economy?

A measurement of economic indicators

What do you understand by term development?

Development depends on both social and economic factors.Accordingly development indicators are distinguished into social indicators and economic indicators.In recent times increasing importance are given to the social indicators of development.So discussion on social indicators of development are of recent origin.Now there is a universally accepted meaning of social indicators of development is accepted and that is clearly different from the economic indicators. everything that does not fall into the category of economy is taken as social. thus social indicators are residual category,i.e, not fall into the economic category. Social indicators of development includes health, education, housing, and employment etc. Of course, these indicators have some economic dimension. The factors responsible for overall improvement of Quality of Life are taken as social indicators. Social indicators are taken as a more wider and integrated area of social concern than that of economic indicators.Read more: What_do_you_understand_by_social_indicators_of_development

Which of th following helps economists judge the overall condition of a particular country and economy?

APEX: a measurment of economic indicators

How economic indicators are used in predicting the economy?

They are useful because they can use a symbol which is a sign that stands for something else. To judge the overall condition of a particular country's economy