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Q: Which electrolyte imbalance is associated with torsades de pointes?
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What effect does hypocalcemia have on the cardiac action potential?

It can prolong the cardiac action potential. It can also have other effects, such as torsades de pointes,and it can mask digitalis toxicity.

How does a compass rose look like?

It's the compass on the maps that have N, E, S, and W and in-between are arrows to NW, SW, SE, and NE

How do you use the word photosynthesis?

A lot such as: 2-letter words eh, en, es, et, he, hi, ho, in, is, it, ne, no, oe, oh, on, op, os, oy, pe, pi, sh, si, so, ti, to, ye 3-letter words ens, eon, ess, eth, heh, hen, hep, hes, het, hey, hie, hin, hip, his, hit, hoe, hon, hop, hot, hoy, hyp, ins, ion, its, net, nip, nit, noh, noo, nos, not, nth, oes, oho, ohs, one, ons, ooh, oot, ope, ops, opt, ose, peh, pen, pes, pet, phi, pht, pie, pin, pis, pit, poh, poi, pot, psi, pye, sei, sen, set, she, shh, shy, sin, sip, sis, sit, son, sop, sos, sot, soy, spy, sty, syn, ten, tet, the, tho, thy, tie, tin, tip, tis, tit, toe, ton, too, top, tot, toy, tye, yeh, yen, yep, yes, yet, yin, yip, yon 4-letter words eons, epos, espy, eths, hehs, hens, hent, hest, heth, hets, hies, hins, hint, hips, hisn, hiss, hist, hits, hoes, hone, hons, hoop, hoot, hope, hops, hose, host, hots, hoys, hype, hypo, hyps, hyte, into, ions, ness, nest, nets, nett, nips, nits, noes, nope, nose, nosh, nosy, note, ones, onto, oohs, oops, oots, open, opes, opts, oses, otto, oyes, pehs, pein, pens, pent, peon, peso, pest, pets, phis, phon, phot, pies, pine, pins, pint, piny, pion, pish, pith, pits, pity, poet, pois, pone, pons, pony, pooh, poon, pose, posh, post, posy, pots, psis, psst, pyes, pyin, seis, sent, sept, sets, sett, shes, shin, ship, shoe, shoo, shop, shot, sine, sinh, sins, sipe, sips, site, sith, sits, snip, snit, snot, snye, sone, sons, soon, soot, soph, sops, soth, sots, soys, spin, spit, spot, step, stet, stey, stop, stye, syne, tens, tent, test, teth, tets, then, they, thin, thio, this, ties, tine, tins, tint, tiny, tips, ****, toes, toit, tone, tons, tony, toon, toot, tope, toph, topi, tops, tosh, toss, tost, tote, tots, toyo, toys, tyes, tyne, type, typo, yens, yeti, yett, yins, yipe, yips, yoni 5-letter words eosin, estop, ethos, heist, hents, hests, heths, hints, hists, hoise, hoist, hones, honey, hooey, hoops, hoots, hooty, hopes, hosen, hoses, hosts, hypes, hypos, hyson, inept, inset, neist, nests, netop, netts, netty, nitty, noise, noisy, noose, noses, nosey, notes, onset, opens, opine, opsin, ottos, peins, penis, peons, peony, pesos, pesto, pests, petit, petti, petto, petty, phone, phono, phons, phony, photo, phots, piety, pines, piney, pinot, pinto, pints, pions, piste, piths, pithy, piton, poesy, poets, point, poise, pones, poohs, poons, poses, posit, posse, posts, potsy, potto, potty, pyins, senti, sepoy, septs, seton, setts, shent, shies, shine, shins, shiny, ships, shist, shoes, shone, shoon, shoos, shoot, shops, shote, shots, shott, sines, sinhs, sipes, sises, sissy, sites, snipe, snips, snits, snoop, snoot, snots, snyes, sones, sonsy, sooey, sooth, soots, sooty, sophs, sophy, soths, spent, spies, spine, spins, spiny, spite, spits, spoon, spots, stein, steno, steps, stets, sties, stint, stipe, stone, stony, stoop, stope, stops, stopt, stoss, styes, synth, tenth, tents, tenty, tepoy, tests, testy, teths, thein, thens, thine, thins, those, tines, tints, tipsy, tithe, toits, tones, toney, toons, tooth, toots, topes, tophe, tophi, tophs, topis, topoi, topos, totes, toyon, toyos, tynes, types, typos, tythe, yetis, yetts, yipes, yonis 6-letter words enosis, entity, eosins, essoin, estops, ethion, ethnos, heists, hisses, hoises, hoists, honest, honeys, hooeys, hyphen, hysons, hyssop, insets, instep, netops, noesis, noises, nooses, noshes, onsets, ophite, opines, opsins, option, ossein, otiose, pestos, phones, phoney, phonos, phooey, photon, photos, physes, physis, phyton, pinots, pintos, pishes, pistes, piston, pitons, pointe, points, pointy, poises, poison, ponies, pontes, posies, posits, posses, posset, postin, potent, potion, potsie, pottos, ptoses, ptosis, pyoses, pyosis, python, sepoys, sepsis, setons, shiest, shines, shists, shoots, shotes, shotts, shyest, siphon, sitten, snipes, snoops, snoopy, snoots, snooty, snotty, sonsie, soothe, sooths, sopite, speiss, spines, spinet, spinto, spites, spoons, spoony, spotty, steins, stenos, stints, stipes, stithy, stones, stoney, stoops, stopes, synths, syphon, tenths, tepoys, testis, teston, theins, theist, thesis, tiptoe, tithes, tonish, tooths, toothy, tootsy, tophes, toshes, tosses, toyish, toyons, typhon, typist, tythes 7-letter words essoins, ethions, hipness, hipshot, histone, honesty, hostess, hotness, hotshot, hottish, hyphens, hyssops, insteps, isohyet, isotone, isotope, isotopy, isotype, nosiest, oophyte, ophites, options, osseins, ostoses, ostosis, pettish, phoneys, phonies, photons, phytons, pintoes, pistons, pointes, poisons, poshest, possess, possets, postins, potions, potshot, potsies, potties, pythons, session, shotten, shyness, siphons, sithens, sonship, soonest, soothes, sophies, sophist, sopites, sottish, spinets, spinose, spintos, spooney, stepson, stonish, stypsis, synesis, syphons, tensity, testons, testoon, theists, tintype, tiptoes, toniest, tootses, tootsie, tosspot, toyshop, typhons, typhoon, typhose, typiest, typists 8-letter words histones, hootiest, hotshots, hypnoses, hypnosis, isohyets, isophote, isotones, isotopes, isotypes, nepotist, oophytes, osteosis, phoniest, photoset, phthises, poshness, potshots, potstone, sessions, sonships, sonsiest, soothest, sootiest, sophists, spittoon, spooneys, spoonies, stenosis, stepsons, stoniest, synopses, synopsis, testoons, thiophen, tintypes, tootsies, topstone, tosspots, toyshops, typhoons 9-letter words hypnotist, isophotes, nepotists, ostosises, photosets, potstones, pythoness, snoopiest, snootiest, sootiness, spittoons, spooniest, stonishes, stypsises, synthesis, theosophy, thiophens, topstones 10-letter words hypnotists, hypothesis, possession, spottiness, synostoses, synostosis, synthesist 11-letter words sottishness, synthesists, theosophist 12-letter words theosophists 14-letter words photosynthesis sorry it's not a lot (LOL) by EMILY CRUZ age 12 AND FRIENDS ( SO BYE )

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How do you pronounce Torsades de pointes?

I'm not good at trying to type phonetically, but torsades is just like it looks: Tors-ahd (never pronounce the "e" nor the "s"). It's pointes that is the weird part. It is pronounced like "pwa-nt".

What does torsades de Pointes look like?

TdP looks like a twisting, turning V-tach-the translation is "twisted points"

What effect does hypocalcemia have on the cardiac action potential?

It can prolong the cardiac action potential. It can also have other effects, such as torsades de pointes,and it can mask digitalis toxicity.

What does les pointes mean in French?

"les pointes" are the prongs (of a fork), the tip (of the toes, of the iceberg), or a protruding, pointy end of something.

How do you spell spiky in french?

Hérissé de pointes

What is the rhythm torsades de pointes from?

Torsades de Pointes is a very dangerous condition that can lead to irregular heartbeats, which can lead to lightheadedness or passing out, and even death. It is caused by a delay in what is called the "Q-T interval". This is the time it takes the heart to beat, then recover and become ready for another beat. A prolonged QT interval may be inherited, caused by some medications, or low levels of certain electrolytes. If you experience heart palpitations, episodes of lightheadedness, bouts of rapid heart rate, you must see your doctor for an EKG. You might have undiagnosed genetic prolongation of your QT interval, and you will need close monitoring. If you have a chronic health condition such as liver or kidney disease, you may have rapid changes in your electrolyte levels which may lead to a prolonged QT interval. Electrolytes typically involved are Potassium and Magnesium. Of note, bouts of diarrhea will lower your Potassium levels. If you have diarrhea for longer than two days, you should consult with your doctor to check your electrolytes. Using Sports drinks while you have diarrhea may be helpful. This does not apply to individuals with a chronic illness. If you are ever told that you have a "long QT interval", you must take this very seriously, and not miss any appointments with your doctor or a specialist for further evaluations.

How do you say spiky hair in french?

cheveux en pointes

Do male ballerinos wear pointes?

No they don't, that is just for the girls.

What are the ratings and certificates for Dance Academy - 2010 Turning Pointes 1-14?

Dance Academy - 2010 Turning Pointes 1-14 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G Australia:PG

Are your feet meant to be sore when you are standing in your pointes?

Yes. I've tried it before

How does a compass rose look like?

It's the compass on the maps that have N, E, S, and W and in-between are arrows to NW, SW, SE, and NE

What is pre-pointe class?

A beginers class before the dancers progress to wearing pointes.