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An element in a Periodic Table has got a number known as atomic number. So to say the flat number (just as fun in saying) in which the particular element resides. Thus 1 is for hydrogen, 2 for helium, 3 for lithium and so. In 26, ferrous occupies. 79 is for gold and 80 is for Mercury. Uranium will be located at 92.

This atomic number is nothing but the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom (element).

O2 is not an element. It is a gas molecule which has two oxygen atoms. O is the element whose flat number in periodic table is 8.

CO2 is also a gas with the elements of carbon and oxygen. One atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen.

So far elements with atomic number 108 have been found.

Diffraction of X-rays with crystals such an zinc sulphide has led to the right placement of the element in the periodic table.

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16y ago

Sodium is symbolized by Na on the periodic table.

See the Related Questions for more information about sodium.

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12y ago

Ar is the symbol for argon on the periodic table. Its atomic number is 18 and it is in group 18 (the noble gases), Period 3.

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13y ago

elements going left to right (horizontally) on a periodic table are called periods

elements going up to down (vertically) on a periodic table are called groups.

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Na is sodium.

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Element Po is Polonium.

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nickel = Ni


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On the periodic table, Na is sodium.

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Q: Which element's symbol is Na on the periodic table?
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What is nal on the periodic table?

NaI is the compound named sodium iodide made of the elements sodium (Na) and iodine (I). You will find the elements themselves on the periodic table, not the compounds they make.

What is table salt in the periodic table?

Table salt is a compound made up of the elements Chlorine(Cl) and Sodium (Na) Compounds do not appear on the Periodic Chart. You can find Cl and Na on the chart.

Which chemical element is number 11 in the periodic table and has the symbol NA?

Sodium is the element that occupies number 11 in the periodic table.

Why do some elements start with a different letter on the periodic table?

some of the symbols for elements in the periodic table differ from their names as their syymbols are base on their latin names, for instance, sodium, symbol Na comes from natrium the latin name, same for other elements such as lead (plumbum) and tin (selenium) and so on

Why is sodium reffered to as Na on the periodic table?

Na is the element symbol for Natrium, from Natro, or salt. Table salt is NaCl, natron+chloride, or sodium chloride.

Related questions

In the periodic table of elements what does na stand for?

NA is the symbol for sodium.

What is the symbol for sodium on the periodic table of elements?

Na. The symbol comes from the Latin word for sodium "natrium".

What is the symbol for sodium on periodic table?


What is the symbol for sodium-?

The symbol for sodium is Na (from the Latin word "natrium").

Which elements are apart of sodiums family in the periodic table?

Sodium, Na, is in group 1 on the periodic table. The elements in group1 are the elements in that vertical column, which are Li,Na,K,Rb,Cs,Fr.

What does Periods on the periodic table represent elements?

"Na" is Sodium.

What NA standards for?

If you are talking about the Periodic Table Na is the symbol for sodium. If you are talking about an application form NA= Not Applicable

Sodium chloride is what on the periodic table?

As it is a periodic table of elements and sodium chloride is a compound consisting of sodium, chlorine and oxygen, sodium chloride does not appear on the periodic table.

What is nal on the periodic table?

NaI is the compound named sodium iodide made of the elements sodium (Na) and iodine (I). You will find the elements themselves on the periodic table, not the compounds they make.

What does N-A stand for?

N/A stands for Not Applicable.On the Periodic Table of elements, Na stands for Sodium.

What is table salt in the periodic table?

Table salt is a compound made up of the elements Chlorine(Cl) and Sodium (Na) Compounds do not appear on the Periodic Chart. You can find Cl and Na on the chart.

How many groups of elements in periodic table?

There are 18 groups and 7 periods in the modern periodic table.