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Oxygen is the element which, in the allotropic form known as ozone, absorbs UV rays from the sun. Off course, lots of other elements will do so. UV radiation does not penetrate lead, iron, zinc, etc. But those elements are not found in the atmosphere. It's the ozone that matters.

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Q: Which element absorbs UV rays from the sun?
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How does the stratospheric ozone layer protect the biosphere?

The stratospheric ozone protects the biosphere. It absorbs the UV rays of the sun.

Ozone which obsorbs harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun?

It absorbs UV rays from the sun. These are fatal rays of the sun.

What does the ozone do foe the stratosphere?

Ozone absorbs the UV rays. These are fatal rays from the sun.

What keeps uv ray from warming on earth?

The ozone layer does that. It absorbs the UV rays of the sun.

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Of the total UV rays , the moon absorbs 96.2% of the sun's UV, we get only 3.8%.

Is there any device that absorbs UV rays from the sun when it reaches earth?

Maybe, I dont really know. But I know that there's a natural device called "Ozone" which absorbs UV rays!

Ozone gas in earth's atmosphere absorbs infrares rays from sun?

Ozone gas in earth's atmosphere absorbs UV rays. It does not absorb infrared rays.

What are the uses of the ozone layer?

Ozone layer absorbs the UV radiations of the sun. UV rays are fatal to the life on earth.

Why do you put sun cream on?

Sun cream absorbs or reflecting some of the UV rays from the sun to protect against sun burn.

Which layer abords harmful rays from the sun?

Ozone in the stratospheric region absorbs the UV rays. It is present as the ozone layer.

Does ozone absorbs x rays?

No, it doesn't. It only absorbs UV rays.

How does the ozone protect us from ultaviolet radiation?

Ozone absorbs the UV rays. These are harmful radiations of the sun.