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i believe the answer is flourine.

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Q: Which element forms compounds with all other elements except helium neon and argon?
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Which elements make up compounds?

Any element except helium and possibly neon can form some compound.

Explain why helium does not react with other element to form a compounds?

why helium does not react with other elements to form compounds

What is the main chemical in helium?

Helium is an element (abbreviated "He"). Elements are types of substance that, when combined, form compounds and chemicals.

Name some examples of other elements that fluorine makes compounds with?

Fluorine can form compounds with every element except Helium. Many compounds with the noble gases (such as neon fluoride) are pretty unstable and most are very reactive, but they can be formed.

What is the first element after hydrogen that which has a neutron?

Helium. All elements have neutrons except hydrogen.

Is helium element or compound?

Helium itself is an element and it forms no chemical compound whatsoever, therefore, it is a noble gas. The atom of Helium is so inert that it cannot even form a molecule with another atom of Helium, hence is monoatomic.

What are common compounds for helium?

There are no common compounds of helium and probably are no compounds of helium at all, because helium is the least reactive of all elements.

How many elements are in He?

Helium is one element and does not chemically react.

Which element under normal circumstances does not combine chemically with other elements to form compounds?

Examples are helium, neon, argon.

What are the compounds that make up helium?

Helium is an element. It is the second element on the periodic table, therefore containing two protons. It is not made of compounds.

How are elements and compounds alike and different?

The only similarity elements and compounds share are that they're the building blocks of matter. Their differences are that elements are are made of only one type of periodic element. Compounds are made of at least two periodic elements bonded together. For example, salt is a compound of sodium-chloride and the helium in balloons is made up entirely of helium molecules.

Why are there no compounds at all with helium in them?

Because helium is an unreactive chemical element.