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Q: Which element has the electronic configuration 2.2?
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What is the difference between a stable and unstable electronic configuration?

A stable electronic configuration refers to having completely filled valence electron shells or half-filled subshells, leading to lower energy levels and enhanced stability. Conversely, an unstable electronic configuration consists of partially filled outer electron shells or incomplete subshells, which tend to be more reactive and seek to attain a stable configuration through chemical bonding or electron transfer.

What is the electronic configuration of an element with 18 atomic number?

The element is Argon. Its configuration is 2 8 8.

What is the element compound for a diamond?

definition of electronic configuration

What element has an electrical configuration 6s25d14f1?

The element with the electron configuration 6s^2 5d^1 4f^1 is lawrencium (Lr), with atomic number 103. It is a synthetic element that is radioactive and not found naturally on Earth.

What does element number 74 electron configuration end in?

the element is tungsten with the electronic configuration Xe 4f14 5d4 6s2

What element has an electronic configuration of 1s2s2p3s3p4s3d?

Iron (Fe)

Does element cl have a noble gas electronic configuration?

The element chlorine does not have noble gas configuration. But chloride ion formed (when chlorine accepts an electron) has noble gas configuration of argon.

What is the ground state electronic configuration of a neutral atom of element X?

It is the electron configuration of a neutral, not excited atom.

How are element placed in periodic table based on electronic configuration?

Least to highest

What element forms an ion with an electronic configuration of Ne and a -2 Charge?


What element forms an ion with an electronic configuration of Ar with a -2 charge?

The element that forms an ion with an electronic configuration of Ar with a -2 charge is oxygen (O). When oxygen gains two electrons, it achieves a stable electron configuration similar to argon.

Why is hydrogen placed with the element in group 1a?

valence electrons and electronic configuration.