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Bromine and iodine, which are in the same group as chlorine, have similar type of chemical characteristics.

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Q: Which elements below have the same chemical properties as Cl?
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Yes, elements with same properties are found in same group. They have same chemical properties.

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Elements in the same group or column on the periodic table have similar chemical properties. Helium is in group 18 or the Nobel gases. Elements with similar chemical properties would be the rest of the elements below Helium Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon

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Elements in the same group have similar properties as they have the same number of valence electrons.

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Lithium and potassium has same properties as sodium.They are alkali metals.They are placed in group-1.The elements of the same group have same chemical properties. Li and K are the elements above and below Na in the period. So they have same properties as sodium.

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The elements in a group have the similar chemical properties dueto presence of same no of electrons in their outermost shell but they differ physically because physical properties are related to their atomic sizes from top to bottom in a group atomic size increases so their physical properties also differ.

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Elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties.

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The elements in the same groups usually do. Elements in the same group have same number of valence electrons and hence have similar chemical and physical properties.

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Elements with same properties are found in same group.They are also called families.

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