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Brielle Cruickshank

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2y ago
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10y ago

Actin and myosin can polymerise and depolymerise easily so they can move organelles where as more stable and long-lasting proteins such as intermediate filaments maintain a the cell structure.

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9y ago

The cytoskeleton is a structure that helps cells maintain their shape and internal of filamentous proteins, and it provides mechanical support to the cell.

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9y ago

Microtubules (tubulin) and microfilaments (actin) are making the cytoskeletal network of the cell that maintain the shape of cell and has other functions.

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Q: Which elements of the cytoskeleton help maintain the shape of the cells move organelles?
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What are the organelles of a redblood cell?

There are no organelles of red blood cells besides a cytoskeleton.

What is the function of cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells?

the female sex organ juice mixing with the male sperm cell cause the cytoskeleton to mix which is why it is sometimes compared to love

Internal movement in cells is brought by what?

The cytoskeleton acts as a "track" on which cells can move organelles, chromosomes and other things.

In a eukaryotic cell a network of protein filaments called what help maintain the shape of cell?

In a eukaryotic cell, a network of protein filaments called the cytoskeleton helps maintain the shape of the cell. The cytoskeleton also plays a role in cell division, intracellular transport, and cellular movement. It is composed of three main types of filaments: microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.

Are organelles elements?

No. Organelles are structures inside cells that perform a particular function.

What part of a cell holds organelles in place?

Organelle is a sub-unit within a cell that performs a specific function and usually has it's own lipid bilayer(membrane). Examples of organelles -chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, nucleus.

Made of microtubes and microfiliments to gie support to cells?

Microtubles are one of the components of the cytoskeleton. And i don't know the answer to microfilaments. but that is all i know, so there you go.

What is a microtubule in a cell?

These are produced by centrioles that are located near the nucleus and they help cells divide. These produce the microtubules which make up the cytoskeleton (the thing which gives the cell support and prevents organelles from flying around).

What maintains the cell shape anchors the organelles in place and move organelles of the cells?

The cytoskeleton of the cell, made of microtubules to move organelles, microfilaments to contract the cell, especially during cell division, and intermediate filaments to provide support and anchor the organelles, does all of these things.

Which organelle Functions as part of the cytoskeleton?

Cytoskeleton is made up of microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules, although to call them organelles would be debatable.

What are the components of the cytoskeleton?

Cytoskeleton are complex networks of fibrous protein structures have been shown to exist in the cytosol of eukaryotic cells.. These fibrous proteins helps in cellular movement that is amoeboid movement and cyclosis . They also helps the cells to maintain their shapes.

How do some animal cells set shape without a cell wall?

Some cells (Eukaryotes in particular) have an organelle known as a cytoskeleton, this organelle governs the shape of a cell and the position of other organelles.