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It takes about 50 days to hatch an Emu egg. The male usually picks out where he wants the hen to lay the eggs. She will lay one egg every three days and when she has 6 to 8 eggs in the nest he will brood. The male sits on the eggs not the female.

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The male emu incubates and hatches the eggs.

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Q: Which emu hatches the eggs male or female?
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The male emu builds a nest and incubates the eggs laid by the female. He also raises the chicks.

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What are the male and female names of the emu?

Male emus are only referred to as male emus and female emus as female emus.

How does an emu egg hatch?

Probably the same way every other egg hatches. Emu eggs are incubated and hatched by the male emu. Also, the male may incubate the eggs of several females within the same nest. During the time he sits on the eggs, his metabolic rate slows, he does not eat or drink at all, and he stands just a couple of times each day to roll and turn the eggs. Average incubation of emu eggs takes around 8 weeks.

Does the emu male keep the egg warm?

Yes. The male emu builds the nest, and incubates the eggs. Once the female emu lays her eggs, she has nothing more to do with them. The male looks after the young chicks once they hatch. Once emu chicks are old enough, they forage along side their father, seeking food such as insects, and fresh vegetation.

What is a group of emu eggs about to be hatched called?

A group of emu eggs that is being incubated by a male emu is called a "clutch".

What is the female emu's role in looking after the young?

Female emus have no part in looking after the chicks. They only lay the eggs. The male builds the nest, incubates the eggs and raises the chicks.

How do emu eggs survive?

The male emu builds a nest before attracting a female. He scratches up grass, twigs, leaves and bark on the ground, in grasslands or open bushland. The nest measures between one and two metres wide, and the walls are about ten centimetres thick. Once the female emu lays her eggs, the male incubates them. He is a devoted parent, and will often stop eating or drinking while incubating the eggs.

What is a the name of a young emu?

A young Emu is called a Chick or a hatchling .

Which emu has blue on its neck?

Both male and female emus have blue on their necks. It is virtually impossible to tell the male and female emu apart by their appearance.

What is a female emu?

Female and male emus do not have any particular names. They are just male and female emus.

Can female emu's lay eggs without a male?

At 14 to 18 months of age they will weigh between 80 and 120 pounds. Many female Emu can lay eggs before they are 2 years old, whereas males attain sexually maturity between 3 and 4 years of age.