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From H and O, oxygen is the most electronegative, so that the negative side of the H-O-H 'triangle' with O in top.

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The oxygen atom in a water molecule attracts most of the electrons, making it slightly negative.

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the hydrogen side

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Q: Which end of water molecule attracts most of the electrons and acts negative?
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Why does the oxygen in a water molecule have a negative charge?

Oxygen attracts electrons more strongly than hydrogen does.

How is water molecule like a magnet?

A water molecule is like a magnet in that it has a positive and negative charge distribution. The oxygen atom in water has a slightly negative charge, while the hydrogen atoms have a slightly positive charge, creating a polar molecule. This polarity allows water molecules to attract each other and form hydrogen bonds.

What struggle produces the partial negative and partial positive charges on a water molecule?

The unequal sharing of electrons between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms in a water molecule creates partial negative (on the oxygen atom) and partial positive (on the hydrogen atoms) charges. Oxygen is more electronegative than hydrogen, so it attracts the shared electrons more strongly, leading to this partial charge separation.

What causes water to be a polar molecule?

Water is a polar molecule because of its bent shape and the unequal sharing of electrons between oxygen and hydrogen atoms. The oxygen atom attracts electrons more strongly, leading to a slightly negative charge near the oxygen and slightly positive charges near the hydrogens.

What type of bond attracts one water molecule to another?

A hydrogen bond attracts one water molecule to another. This bond is formed between the slightly positive hydrogen atom of one water molecule and the slightly negative oxygen atom of another water molecule.

What is unequal sharing of electrons within a water molecule?

Unequal sharing of electrons within a water molecule refers to its polar nature, where the oxygen atom attracts the shared electrons more strongly than the hydrogen atoms. This results in a slight negative charge near the oxygen atom and slight positive charges near the hydrogen atoms, creating a dipole moment. This property allows water to form hydrogen bonds and exhibit various unique characteristics, such as high surface tension and cohesion.

What molecule has a positive end and negative end?

A water molecule has a positive end (hydrogen) and a negative end (oxygen) due to the uneven distribution of electrons. This makes water a polar molecule.

What is the atom in a molecule of water that is more visited by the shared electrons?

Oxygen has a low negative charge.

What type of covalent bond form in a water molecule?

A polar covalent bond forms in a water molecule. This is because the oxygen atom attracts electrons more strongly than the hydrogen atoms, leading to an uneven distribution of charge. As a result, the oxygen end of the molecule is slightly negative, while the hydrogen ends are slightly positive.

Why is water considered a polor molecule?

The oxygen atom attracts more electrons as it has a higher positive charge making that half of the molecule slightly negative. This leaves the Hydrogen atoms with less electrons making them slightly positive. This difference in charge is enough for the molecule to be considered polar like a magnet.

Which end of water molecule acts negative?

Slightly negative. The oxygen end of the water molecule is slightly negative because of oxygen's greater electronegativity. The two electrons of the hydrogens in covalent bonding spend more of their time in oxygen's valance shell.

Explain how a water molecule can be attracted to both a positive ion and a negative ion when dissolving an ionic compound?

In the case of dissolving an ionic compound, the positive ion (cation) attracts the partially negative oxygen atom of the water molecule due to its charge, forming a hydrogen bond. Similarly, the negative ion (anion) attracts the partially positive hydrogen atoms of the water molecule, also forming a hydrogen bond. This attraction between water molecules and ions helps to break apart the ionic lattice structure and allows the compound to dissolve in water.