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natural gas

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Q: Which energy source is formed when organic matter is trapped underground without exposure to air or moisture?
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What type of energy is fracking?

Fracking releases primarily thermal energy, as it involves injecting high-pressure fluids deep underground to fracture rock formations and release oil or natural gas trapped within.

What is in white foam in waves?

White foam in waves is primarily made up of air bubbles that are trapped in seawater as it is churned by the motion of the waves. It can also contain organic materials, such as algae and other decaying matter, that contribute to its whitish appearance.

Is coal a insulator?

Yes, coal is a poor conductor of electricity, which means it can act as an insulator. However, its insulation properties may vary depending on factors like moisture content and impurities.

Why does cotton keep you cool?

Cotton is a breathable natural fiber that wicks moisture away from your skin, allowing for better air circulation and evaporation. This helps to keep you cool by preventing sweat from being trapped against your skin and allowing your body to cool down more effectively.

What is the origin of non-renewable energy sources including how energy can be trapped in these sources?

Non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) are formed over millions of years from decayed organic matter trapped in the Earth's crust. The energy in these sources comes from the sun's energy, which plants absorbed through photosynthesis and then converted into chemical energy. This stored energy is released when the fossil fuels are burned for heating, electricity generation, and transportation.

Related questions

How is the natural gas trapped underground?

Sand and silt changed to rock, covering organic material, and trapped it beneath the rock. Pressure and heat changed some of this organic material into coal, some into oil, and some into natural gas.

What are the release dates for Trapped Underground - 1938?

Trapped Underground - 1938 was released on: USA: 2 April 1938

What actors and actresses appeared in Trapped Underground - 1938?

The cast of Trapped Underground - 1938 includes: Curtis Karpe Ralph MacBane Millard Mitchell as Trapped Man

Where are Chile miners trapped?

They actually are not trapped anymore, they were pulled out yesterday. But, they were trapped underground in Chile.

What are the ratings and certificates for Trapped Underground - 1938?

Trapped Underground - 1938 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Approved USA:Passed (National Board of Review)

What fossil fuel is trapped underground?

All fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are trapped underground. That's where thay were formed, millions of years ago.

What is dissolved under pressure and are trapped in magma underground Dissolved blank under pressure are trapped in magma underground?

If u are on a workbook page and you are in Science 6 and live in Cali, and working on a chart, you answer is "Dissolved gasses under pressure are trapped in magma underground" Nicky Dicky Anwered this question

Is petroleum a compound?

No, a mixture.

What dissolves under pressure are trapped in magma underground?


What is the answer to the puzzle in your sims agents when your trapped underground?

you match the object with the pictures

Where Were 33 Miners Trapped Deep Underground?

In Chile for 66 days

What percentage of the earth's water is trapped underground?

Less than 1%