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Q: Which energy system has a limiting factor of a small supply of stored CP?
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Which energy system has a limiting factor or a small supply of strored CP?

Adensine Triphosphate ( ATP )

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Study Island: the population size of their prey

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Water as a limiting factor?

I don't know of water itself being a limiting factor but the supply of water can be, if there is not enough water for a population to live then it limits the growth of the population to a number which can be fed by the given supply of water.

Where do you store hydro energy?

Hydro energy is stored as potential energy in the water build up behind the dams. When it becomes electrical energy it is not stored but fed into the grid to supply householders and factories.

When do density-dependent limiting factor?

when large populations starts to need higher supply of food and water so they start to compete.

Is a limiting factor a place where a population lives in an ecosystem?

yes it is. there are also things like pollution, food supply, oxygen amounts, etc.

What are limiting nutrients?

A limiting nutrient is when a substance is in short supply, and it is needed more.