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Star Wars episode III - the revenge of the sith

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Q: Which episode of Star Wars was most recently released to theaters?
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When was Star Wars episode 6 made?

Star Wars Episode Six entered theaters in 1987 Star Wars Episode Six entered theaters in 1987

When did episode 1 star wars movie come out?

It was released in theaters on May 19, 1999

When did the last star war movie come out?

The last movie that was released in theaters was "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," which is the pilot for the TV show with the same name, and that was in 2008. The last live-shot movie that was released in theaters was "Episode 3: Revenge of the "Sith and that was in 2005.

When was the second episode of Star Wars released?

If you mean "Attack of the Clones," it premiered in theaters on May 16, 2002.

When did Star Wars Episode III The Revenge of the Sith come out?

As far as I know, Episode 1: The Phantom Menace is scheduled to be released in 3-D on February 10, 2012. If it's really going to be in theaters and if the other 5 films will follow in the same footsteps, I'm not sure

What year and date did stars wars was released?

It was Star Wars Episode IV/4 A New Hope, which came out in 1977.

When is Star Wars 7 coming out in theaters?

"Star Wars Episode vii" has a projected release date of December 18, 2015 .

Where can you find the version of Star Wars Episode IV from theaters in 1977?

There was a "Limited Edition" DVD that was released in 2007 that included it. I believe it is still being sold in stores such as Target.

When was Star Wars episode 3 made?

Principal photography took place from June 30 to September 17, 2003. The film was released in theaters on May 19, 2005

What year did Star Wars come to theatres?

If you mean the first film, more commonly known as Episode 4: A New Hope, it was released in theaters on May 25, 1977

What year was Star Wars the original in theaters?

The first Star Wars film was released in theaters on May 25, 1977

When did Star Wars iv come out?

It was released in theaters on May 25, 1977