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C the distance between the top or bottom of a wave

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Tyler Cheeney

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Q: Which equatian shows how frequency is related to velocity and wavelength apex?
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Which equation shows how wave length is related to velocity and frequency?

The equation that shows how wavelength is related to velocity and frequency is: Wavelength (λ) = Velocity (v) / Frequency (f). This equation follows from the basic relationship between velocity, wavelength, and frequency for a wave traveling in a medium.

What is the relationship between velocity and frequency?

Velocity and frequency are related in wave physics. The speed of a wave is determined by the product of its frequency and wavelength. As frequency increases, velocity also increases if the wavelength remains constant. This relationship is described by the equation: velocity = frequency x wavelength.

Frequency and wavelength have a direct relationship?

Yes, frequency and wavelength are inversely related according to the formula f = c/λ, where f is frequency, c is the speed of light, and λ is wavelength. This means that as frequency increases, wavelength decreases, and vice versa.

How is wave and velocity related?

Wave velocity is directly proportional to the frequency and wavelength of the wave. In general, wave velocity = frequency x wavelength. This means that as the frequency or wavelength of a wave increases, the velocity of the wave also increases.

How is frequency related to velocity?

Frequency is the number of complete cycles of a wave that occur in a given time period. Velocity, on the other hand, is the speed at which the wave is moving in a particular direction. In general, for a given wave, as the frequency increases, the velocity of the wave also increases.

Related questions

How is frequency related to velocity?

Frequency is the number of complete cycles of a wave that occur in a given time period. Velocity, on the other hand, is the speed at which the wave is moving in a particular direction. In general, for a given wave, as the frequency increases, the velocity of the wave also increases.

How are frequency speed and wavelength related?

they are related by the equation velocity=frequency*wavelength

How are wavelength frequency and energy are related?

Energy of light photons is related to frequency as Energy = h(Planck's constant)* frequency Frequency = velocity of wave / wavelength So energy = h * velocity of the wave / wavelength

Are frequency and wavelength related?

Yes, velocity equals the product of frequency times wavelength, v=fw.

How are wave length and wave frequency are related?

velocity = frequency x wavelength

Why does a wave with short wavelenth have a high frequency?

Wave velocity in general = frequency x wavelength As the velocity of the wave remains constant then frequency and wavelength are inversely related So as the wavelength becomes shorter then frequency becomes larger or higher

How is the frequency of a wave related toits wave length?

Frequency of the a wave equals its velocity divided by its wavelength.

Why does a light of low wavelength have high frequency?

The frequency of light is inversely proportional to its wavelength, according to the equation c = fλ, where c is the speed of light, f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength. Therefore, a light of low wavelength has a high frequency, meaning the number of oscillations per second is greater compared to light with a longer wavelength.

What decreases as the frequency of a sound wave increases?


How do longer wavelengths affect frequency?

As wavelength becomes longer then frequency becomes smaller. Since c = v l Here v is (nu) the frequency and l (lambda) the wavelength, c is the velocity of the wave. So frequency and wavelength are inversley related.

What is the frequency of an electromagnetic wave that has a wavelength of 300000 kilometers?

The formula related to frequency and wavelength is Wavelength = 300000000 / Frequency (f) Wavelength = 300000000 / 30000000000 Wavelength = 1/100 Wavelength = 0.01 meter OR Wavelength = 10 milimeter

How are wave velocity frequency period and wavelength related?

Wave frequency can be calculated by dividing the speed of the wave (if we're talking about electromagnetic waves in vacuum, that would be the speed of light, c) by wavelength.