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The Jurassic Period was the era known as the Golden Age of Reptiles.

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Q: Which era is known as the 'Golden Age of Reptiles' due to the dominance of dinosaurs over all possible habitats on earth?
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What were the two possible effects of slow climate change on the dinosaurs' habitats?

None. The dinosaurs died a fairly quick death.

What animal group did scientists put dinosaurs into?

That would be easy. Dinosaurs are in a group of Reptiles called Archosaurs which also includes birds,Crocodile,Alligators,Pterosaurs,and their possible ancestors- Thecodonts.

What is the habitat of a dinosaur?

There is not a pacific place where reptiles live. Reptiles live in all habitats except from Antarctica where it snows all the time. Reptiles can live in hot deserts, swamps, tropic jungles, dark caves and even in the ocean there is many places where they can live you see.

Is it possible to download the spore final dinosaurs?

yes, it is possible to download the spore final dinosaurs

Does a reptile have a cerebellum?

It's possible that early reptiles did not, but modern reptiles certainly do.

Why are dinosaurs considered the ancestors of modern birds if they were cold blooded?

How are you so certain that they were cold-blooded (ectothermic)? In reality that was nothing more than an asumption made by early scientists when they at first noticed their resemblance to reptiles. It is true that dinosaurs evolved from reptiles but so did mammals! It is quite possible that dinosaurs were the first animals to develop warm blood (endothermic) and since scientists have gather a lot of evidence to suggest that birds evolved from dinosaurs, then is possible that that is where the birds got their ability to regulate their internal temperature. What evidences? See the answer below.AnswerMany dinosaurs have a similar bone structure to that of birds. It has been proved that dinosaur bones (especially skulls and their cranium structure) are more closely related to birds (such as the ostrich), rather than reptilian bones (like the crocodile). Due to birds and dinosaurs having similar cranium structures, scientists believe that they might have had the same thinking abilities as well. Also, some dinosaurs could have been warmblooded.

The extiction of the dinosaurs made possible the expansion and rise of what other class of animals?

The extiction of the dinosaurs made possible the expansion and rise of mammals.

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Can you neuter a turtle?

Turtles are reptiles, but it's possible.

Did dinosaurs go inside the earth's core?

No it is not possible.

Can Dinosaurs stay in a reptile house?

Yes it would be possible for dinosaurs to be in a reptile house if they were still alive. I guess the bones could be in a reptile house but no real dinosaurs.

Theres a cute boy that loves reptiles how do you get him to like you?

Try to learn about reptiles as much as possible and then you will have something in common to talk about.