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The direct result of Earth revolving around the sun is the four seasons. The Earth tilts twenty three and one half degrees north of the celestial equator in summer and twenty three and one half degrees south of the celestial equator, in the winter.

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the apparent deflection of winds

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Q: Which event is a direct result of earth revolution?
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What event is a direct result of Earth's revolution?

the apparent deflection of winds you are stupid. wind only has effects on the rotation. good thing i didn't put that answer. the answer is seasonal changes in constellations viewed in the night sky. your welcome

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This is known as causation, where one event directly causes another event to occur.

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New Answer: Causation

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The result of something happening is the outcome or consequence that occurs as a direct or indirect effect of the initial event.

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The event that takes the longest time is one revolution of the Earth around the Sun. This event takes 365.24 days.

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