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Q: Which event on your time line caused the death of 14 million Russians?
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Which event on your time line caused the death of million Russians?

The Russian Civil War followed upon World War 1 to, between them, account for the deaths of 14 million Russians in the years 1914-1917(WW1) and 1917-1921 (Russian Revolution). Of the 2 the revolution accounted for the majority of deaths: 9 million.

What event caused Alexander to become king?

The death of his father Philip the Second.

What event caused the Russian revolution?

Which one? 1905 or 1917? Czar was nuts, feudalism/capitalism suck, and the russians were getting their asses handed to them in WW1.

What major event caused Europe to go through the Dark ages?

The Black Death

What event launched the puritan inquisition and sent officials hunting for witches in Salem?

It was not caused by an event like a death or ships sinking. It was caused by a currently unidentified affliction that was then diagnosed a witchcraft.

What event caused Ponyboy to finally accept Johnny's death?

the event that caused ponyboy to finally accept johnnys death because he found the good-bye letter jonny wrote to him tuked inside the book gone with the wind.

Why Black Death was a significant event in British in history?

Because many people died of it. It caused the end of the mongol empire and caused the peasants revolt in 1381?

When was the last time a comet hit earth and caused an extinction?

The Cretaceous Paleogene extinction event about 65 million years ago.

What was an event that helped turn Russians against the czar?

World War I

Why event in World War 2 became know as the holocaust?

Mass killing of 6 million Jews in death camps

What event caused the greatest human loss under Napoleon?

The event that caused the greatest human loss would be when he invaded Russia. His army quickly ran out of supplies once they captured Moscow (which had been burned to the ground by the Russians) and many men died their in vain. When he decided to retreat, his army took the same path that they did when they invaded so they found no supplies during their retreat which caused even more deaths.

Which event in the American revolution may have caused another event to happen?

Every event that ever happened caused another event to happen. Be specific.