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Q: Which evidence best indicate that a landscape has been eroded primarily by streams?
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How would you describe the landscape of the Algonquians village?

they lived by rivers and streams

What landscape features do glaciers form?

Large crevasses, river/streams

How do streams and rivers change the landscape?

They erode the landscaping around them.

What forests are found in northern Europe Asia and north America where cold lakes and streams are a part of the landscape?

You seem to be describing the taiga.

What will sedimentation and erosion lead to of characteristic of streams?

Sedimentation and erosion will lead to a downward path and deepening bed of streams as one characteristic. In early stream erosion, the erosive activity is primarily vertical.

Why are streams significant places?

They help prevent flooding and they help complete the life cycle for many invertebrates they provide natural drainage for the landscape and distributing nutrients to downstream

What evidence is there that water has been flowing on Mars recently?

NASA photographs of Mars are the best evidence that water has been flowing on Mars recently. During warmer periods in Mars' atmosphere, the photographs show streaks that look like streams. Scientists agree that this is evidence of water on Mars.

Is there evidence of mars having liquid water?

yes. there is water underground and scientist believe mars once had streams, lakes, and an ocean

What makes Crazy Worms so invasive?

It's believed Amynthas worms (also known as crazy worms) are primarily spread through moved mulch and compost; soil transported with plants or on vehicles; streams by natural distribution and use as fishing bait; and, of course, by snaking their way across the landscape. ... They make their way through surface, mid-, and lower levels of the soil.

What is river hydraulics?

River hydraulics involves flowing water and its impact on the landscape. This includes the hydraulic characteristics of streams and rivers ranging from dam break analysis to sediment movement analysis.

How are exotic streams important to settlement and trade in West Africa?

The people of African civilizations are primarily agricultural and the water from these exotic streams is a necessity for their crops. They do not have well developed roads to use for trade. They also use the river to wash clothes, bathe, and drink from.

Term for flow of blood through an organ?

The term perfusion is used to indicate the flow of blood by means of vessels of an organ. It is the movement of the blood through the blood streams.