

Which evolved first neanderthal or homo sapien?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Which evolved first neanderthal or homo sapien?
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How did homo sapien neanderthal live?

neanderthals lived in caves

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Australopithecus to homo habilis to homo erectus to Neanderthal to homo sapiens to us or better known as homo sapien sapiens

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Ardipithecus Ramidus, Australopithecus Ramidus, Australopithecus Afarensis (Lucy), Australopithecus Afracanus, Australopithecus Robustus/Homo Habilis, Homo-Erectus, Homo-Ergaster, Homo-Sapien, Homo-Sapien Neanderthal, Homo-Sapien Sapien.

Who was the neanderthal acestors?

Neanderthals evolved from Homo heidelbergensis.

What is the size of neanderthal humans brain?

You need to narrow down what you're looking for, either the size of a human brain, or a Neanderthal brain, The Homo sapien (us) have evolved from the Homo Neanderthal to the point where we can be classified as sub species but going on gut instinct here, This should help you out Neandertals 1200-1750 1450 modern Homo sapiens 900-1880 1345 --- Additional There is a school of thought that puts the Neanderthal as a sub species of the genus Pleistocene and a parallel evolution not a predecessor to homo-sapian.

How did the first woman conceive a baby on earth scientifically?

According to evolution, the first woman was descended from a common ancestor with apes. By person, you probably mean Homo Sapien. Homo Sapien's ancestors are Homo Erectus. Because the differences between the first female Homo Sapien, and her cousins, Homo Erectus were so slight, she would have mated with them, and produced Homo Sapien babies.

Who is the first person to make art?

Impossible to know, art has been around since the beginning of homo sapien and neanderthal life, it is possible that even the very first of these species made art.

What is an evolvaro homo sapien?

An evolvaro homo sapien is an evolved human. If you are one, you are used to high temperatures, you are flexible, you are smart, creepy things make you itchy, and you are usually a rebel. there are about 160 evolvaro homo sapiens in the world.

What is the scientific name for a homo sapien?

the answer is homo sapien

What would a Homo Homo sapien sapien be?

A thinking thinking human