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Q: Which factor would be LEAST LIKELY to be included in a measurement of the efficiency of trade between African nations?
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What are the si units for efficiency?

Efficiency is adimensional, meaning there is no associated unit, just a number - and the number should be the same in different measurement systems. Efficiency can be any number between 1 (equivalent to 100%) and 0 (equivalent to 0%).

Find the relationship between internal efficiency and school size?

Find the relationship between internal efficiency and school size?

What is Measurement and levels of measurement?

Measurement always deals with a distance of a line or a distance between to objects, distance between 2 points, and so on.

How does efficiency depend on mass and why is it like that?

Efficiency generally decreases as mass increases due to the additional energy required to move the larger mass. More mass means more work is needed to accelerate or decelerate it, resulting in a decrease in efficiency. This relationship exists because a heavier object has more inertia and requires more force to move it, leading to decreased overall efficiency.

What is the relationship between friction and efficiency of a machine?

The relationship between friction and the efficiency of a machine is when friction increases, efficiency decreases, and vice versa. That is why you can never have 100% efficiency, because there is always at least a little friction. They are inversely proportional, meaning, higher friction equals less efficiency.

What is mean of pump efficiency?

The ratio between the energy efficiency of pumps and pump uses the energy that does. Pump efficiency is determined by the manufacturer. In the calculation of pump efficiency is 70%.

Differences between measurement used in past and measurement in present?

In the past, measurements were often based on physical standards like body parts or natural objects, leading to inconsistencies and inaccuracies. Today, measurements are mostly based on standardized units derived from universal constants like the speed of light or atomic properties, ensuring precision and uniformity across different systems. Additionally, modern technology allows for more precise and automated measurements compared to the manual techniques utilized in the past.

Length is the measurement of (blank) between two points?

Length is the measurement of distance between two points.

Difference between technical efficiency and economic efficiency?

technical efficiency is related to change in output due to change in input and economic efficiency refers to a number of related concepts.

What is the Meaning of management efficiency and effectiveness?

Between efficiency and effectiveness which one is more important for performance

What is 3kg in centimeter or inches?

no relation between a mass measurement and a length measurement

What is meant by brakin efficiency?

I think Braeking efficiency is the relation between the velocity and the time to stop something in movement.