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pour drainage and salty soil

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Jimmy Hoeger

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Gregorio Lind

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2y ago

pour drainage and salty soil

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4mo ago

Some factors that can cause crops to stop growing in summer include excessive heat, lack of water or drought conditions, inadequate nutrients in the soil, and pest infestations. These conditions can stress the plants and hinder their growth and productivity.

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Q: Which factors causes crops to stop growing in sumer?
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Continue Learning about Archaeology

What is true about development of farming in sumer?

The development of farming in Sumer was significant because it marked the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled, agricultural society. Sumerian farmers developed irrigation systems to control water flow and increase crop productivity. This led to surplus food production, which allowed for the growth of cities and the development of complex social systems in Sumer.

Which is true about the development of farming in Sumer?

The development of farming in Sumer is considered one of the earliest known instances of agriculture, dating back to around 5000 BCE. Sumerians practiced intensive agriculture, utilizing irrigation systems such as canals and dikes to control water flow from the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The surplus food produced from farming allowed for the growth of Sumerian cities and the emergence of complex societies.

What are some exports and imports relating to sumer?

Some exports from Sumer included grains, textiles, and pottery. Imports to Sumer included metals, timber, and luxury goods such as precious stones and ivory.

Who devolped the first irrigation systems with dikes and canals?

The ancient Mesopotamians, specifically in the region of Sumer, developed some of the earliest known irrigation systems with dikes and canals around 6000 BCE. These systems were essential for managing water flow and cultivating crops in the arid region.

What is the difference between sumer and Sumeria?

"Sumer" refers to the ancient civilization that existed in southern Mesopotamia, while "Sumeria" is an alternative term for this civilization. Both terms are commonly used interchangeably to describe the same historical culture and region.

Related questions

What factors caused crops to stop growing in Sumer?

Crops in Sumer experienced reduced growth due to factors such as salinization of soil from irrigation, decreasing fertility from over-cultivation, and climate changes leading to periods of drought and insufficient water supply. These conditions contributed to agricultural decline in Sumer over time.

What caused crops to stop growing in Sumer?

Poor drainage and salty soil caused crops to stop growing in Sumer.

What did sumer trade?

crops and gold

How did farming develop in Sumer?

the farmers depended on rainfall to water large crops

Why did the soil of Mesopotamia region of Sumer grow such good crops?

The Farmland was fertile and water was nearby

What causes winter spring fall sumer and where at?

what causes the seasons winter,spring,summer and fall

Why it is winter in US when it is sumer in Asturlia?

The tilt of the earth causes the direct rays of the sun to be focused on a different hemisphere each winter or sumer, causing the difference.

What is true about development of farming in sumer?

The development of farming in Sumer was significant because it marked the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled, agricultural society. Sumerian farmers developed irrigation systems to control water flow and increase crop productivity. This led to surplus food production, which allowed for the growth of cities and the development of complex social systems in Sumer.

Why was it difficult to raise crops in sumer.?

It was difficult because the floods would wash away any young plants

Put sumer in a sentence?

Sumer was an ancient kingdom.The kingdom of Sumer no longer exists. The artifacts were from Sumer.

What is the religion of Sumer?


What is a sumer?

a sumer is a kind of writing