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The four means of erosion are:

  • Fluvial (including rivers)
  • Marine
  • Glacial
  • Aeolian (wind)

The greatest cause of erosion is debatable, but I believe the greatest factor in erosion is the sea/ocean (Marine) as this causes vast coastal recession, and in this way there is more material eroded than by any other process, but Fluvial is also a major cause. As a result of marine action, eroded fragments do not need to travel far: they only need to fall from a cliff face onto the beach or the sea-bed to count as deposited.

The greatest cause of weathering is probably biological weathering, although this is debated. I think this is the greatest cause because there are biological life-forms all over the Earth, and many of these cause weathering. Most other weathering processes rely on extreme environments and exposition to the elements.

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Q: Which factors most often cause erosion deposition and weathering?
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weathering because the main cause of a sinkhole is mostly rain which is a part of weathering

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Weathering and erosion cause exposed land to change.

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Moving water is the biggest cause of weathering and erosion.

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no because deposition is one of the processes in erosion and the steps are erosion depositon weathering and dropping but erosion changes under ground and more rapidly hope its right just learned in school

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three things that both cause erosion and deposition

Do tornadoes cause weathering erosion and deposition?

Tornadoes do cause some soil erosion, though it is rarely significant. Eroded material must eventually by deposited, but this does not occur by any mechanism directly related to tornadoes.

How can erosion cause weathering?

Erosion does not cause weathering. Erosion is a TYPE of weathering in which surface soil and rock are worn away through the action of glaciers, water, and wind.