

Which features classify viruses

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Which features classify viruses
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lichens, corals, viruses, corals, viruses and carnivourous plants are difficult to classify :)

Why viruses are difficult to classify as living organisms?

It is because viruses are not made up of cells

What are several things used to classify viruses?

Viruses can be labeled as RNA or DNA viruses and they can be said to have an envelope or to be "naked".

What characteristics do scientists use to classify viruses?

their genome

What are the characteristics used to classify viruses?

size and shape

What are two ways to classify viruses?

Rna and dna

Why do you classify viruses as obligatory intracellular parasite?

Viruses need living cells to produce more viruses. They are obliged to use living cells.

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reptiles are animals so all of their features classify. reptiles are not mammals though if that what is being asked.

Would you classify viruses as a livind thing or nonliving thing?

Living. Because viruses are caused by germs...which are living organisms

Why is it difficult to classify viruses into one of the 5 kingdoms of living organisms?

Viruses lack the characteristics of living organisms, such as cellular structure and metabolism, making it challenging to classify them within the traditional system of biological classification. Additionally, viruses are considered obligate intracellular parasites that can only replicate inside host cells, further complicating their classification within the existing kingdom system.

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They have a spine.

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