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Nellie McClung

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Q: Which feminist campaigned for birth control after world war 1?
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Explain three 3 world arguments for birth control and two 2 world arguments against birth control?

Religion, Morals, and health

Why are third world countries birth rate higher?

less use of birth control

How did the birth control pill change the world?

the amount of sex people had skyrocketed.

What is Special Third World Woman's issue?

The representation of Third World women in Western feminist discourse. Muslim Women in America. Home Girls - A Black Feminist Anthology. Underserved or marginalized communities.

Do you need parental consent to get birth control in Serbia?

no you do not because it is like every state in the world

Can a man be a feminist?

Absolutely, there are many feminist men in the world. Any man who doesn't believe women should have equal rights is living in a delusional world. However this doesn't mean that anyone who supports equal rights is a "feminist". Feminism is a selfish belief that women should be given a special class above men in society.

Who were the Australian women liberationists after World War 2?

Were a second wave of feminist activism

What awards did Jeannette Rankin achieved?

she received an award as "The World's Outstanding Living Feminist.

Will new inexpensive socially acceptable methods of birth control be developed that can slow world population growth?

"Socially" acceptable? Different people have different ideas on that, and science is always coming out with new ideas for birth control.

List of inventions that changed the world?

the wheel, electricity, indoor plumbing, birth control pills, cotton gin, ...

What is the Mormon position on the birth control pill?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) teaches that the use of birth control is a personal decision between a married couple and God. The church does encourage couples to welcome children into the world, but if the couple feels they are not emotionally or financially prepared for another child or if a pregnancy would be harmful to the mother's health, the use of birth control is accepted. Most Mormon couples use birth control at some point in their marriage, and the pill is one of the most common forms of birth control in the United States.

What is another word for took control?

Commandeered dominated conquered hijacked confiscated seized I'm intrigued as to what this has to do with either the birth control pill or World War 1!!