

Which finger do you pluck with on a violin?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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index finger

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Q: Which finger do you pluck with on a violin?
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What is used to play a violin?

you were very vauge in your question but i will answer it the best i can. to play a violin you would use a bow ( a long stick with horsehair on it) and your fingers.

Do you pluck a viola?

You pluck it.

Where is a for pizzacato for the violin?

You must pluck the A string to get the pizzicato A.

How does a violin produse music?

A violin produces sound by the vibration of the bow on the string, or the vibration when you pluck a string.

What can you do with a violin Pluck it and?

Bow it, meaning to draw a bow across the strings.

Where does the violin marker go for a 3 forth size violin?

If by violin marker you mean the finger tapes, they go where they go on any other violin. First finger, high second finger, and third finger usually, to make a B, C#, and D on the A string.

What vibrates when a violin is played?

It's the string that vibrates when you either pluck or bow them.

How do you pay violin without a bow?

You can pluck the strings with your fingers. This method is called pizzicato.

What is the first finger on g on violin?


What does the pizzicato ask the player to do?

if you are playing a instrument called a violin pizzicato means you need to pluck the strings

What does the word pizzicato ask a violin player to do?

It tells the player to pluck the strings rather than bow them.

What is pizzicato on a violin?

Basically any instrument of the string section (e.g. violin, viola, cello)