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Rohu or (rohi) relies on phytoplankton when they have grown to adulthood. Whale sharks are also surface food eaters.

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Q: Which fish is a surface food eater in water bodies?
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Compare surface water and groundwater?

Surface water refers to lakes, rivers and other bodies of water. It is usually filled with fish and other animals. Groundwater is the water that lies under the ground.

What do fish do when the water surface is frozen?

If the water surface is frozen, fish continue to swim.

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most fish move by using muscles and fins to push the water and there bodies through the water

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Why do fish appear on the surface of the water before a storm?

Before a storm, there is very little dissolved oxygen in the water, so fish rise to the surface for oxygen,which is more plentiful near the surface.

What adaptations do fish have that allow them to live in eater?

there is many adaptation fish have to survive like they have gills to breath under water and a fin to swom better

Your fish is staying at the top of the tank?

Some fish are surface fish and others are not. Without you saying what kind of fish it is that is at the surface it is impossible to say if anything is wrong. BUT! if the fish are breaking the surface and gasping for air, then you have a major water problem and need to do some very large water changes immediately. Otherwise your fish will die.

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by counting them

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