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Q: Which fish spends four years at sea and then makes a long and exhausting upstream journey to lay its eggs in the same freshwater creek where it was hatched?
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Which fish spends four years at sea and then makes a long and exhausting upstream journey to lay its eggs in the freshwater creek where it was hatched?

a salmon

Which fish spend four years at sea and then makes a long and exhausting upstream journey to lay its eggs in the same freshwater creek where it was hatchted?

I believe that would be a somon

Why was Charles Sturt temporarily blinded?

Charles Sturt, one of Australia's most famous explorers, suffered blindness as a result of the ordeal he underwent when he and his party had to row upstream up the fllooded Murray River, against the current, for 2000 kilometres after following the Murray River to its mouth. It was an exhausting journey that took its toll on Sturt and his men.

What are the spawning habits of a salmon?

Salmon will return to their hatching place to spawn. A single group of salmon may travel hundreds of miles back to the river of their birthplace, hopping over waterfalls, swimming upstream until they get to the place where they hatched. They will then mate and lay eggs, beginning into being another cycle of leaving and returning to spawn. This journey is very dangerous, due to bears waiting at the top of waterfalls to catch the returning salmon.

What is the unique about salmon move to spawn?

Almost all Salmon swim back to the place they were born themselves to spawn. This requires them to undertake extremely long journey, right up to the stream source where they were born. For reaching there the salmon have to swim upstream ( against the flow of stream), which is quite exhausting for them. Additionally when the salmon swim back for spawning they are hunted enthusiastically by many carnivores like Bears etc. This results in death of many salmon during the journey. When the salmon leave ocean ( where they habit after becoming adults) to go back to freshwater streams to spawn the fish undergoes physical transformation to adapt itself from the saltwater to fresh water conditions. All Pacific ocean salmon die after spawning. Whereas the Atlantic Ocean salmon might return back to ocean after spawning to continue its lifecycle.

Can the sooty tern fly upto 4 years without landing?

yes this extraordinary animal unlike many others can fly up to for years without landing some however prefer not to take that exhausting journey.

How do migrating animals keep going?

they are built to survive travelling the distance although its a dangerous and exhausting journey many die on either the way there or back. They have resting points in certain locations where they stop to refuel before carrying on.

Does a river speed up or slow down on its journey?

it slows down because first it rushes down from mountain and then slows down right at the end when it goes into the sea/ocean/lake.

How do salmon go from freshwater to saltwater?

The cells take in salt to balance the solute concentration-apex

A badge moves 8km per hour in still water it travels 6km upstream and 6 km downstream in a total time of 2 hours what is the speed of the current?

The speed upstream is B - C where B is the speed of the badge in still water and C is speed of the current The speed downstream is B + C. Velocity = Distance/Time : therefore Time = Distance/Velocity. Time for upstream journey = 6/(B - C) Time for downstream journey = 6/(B + C) BUT Total time for journey = 2 = 6/(B - C) + 6/(B + C) = 12B/(B2 - C2) Therefore 2B2 - 2C2 = 12B : However, B = 8kph so substituting gives, 128 - 2C2 = 96 : 2C2 = 32 : C2 = 16 : C = 4 The speed of the current is 4kph.

What does the direction of a koi fish mean in tattooing?

Well koi fish symbolise strength and courage, and the legend and myth behind the koi fish is that it swims upstream to turn into a dragon. The Dragon symbolises the end of a journey and overcoming the obstacle you faced. Therefore a Koi swimming upstream symbolises faceing a problem and being on a quest to put an end to it. A Koi swimming downstream symbolises that it has allready overcome the problem, people often get this to symbolise the end of an ordeal.

Is it A mangoes journey or A mango's journey?

It is a mango's journey