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Q: Which food will heat you up more on a cold day soup or hot toast?
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Does feeling cold make you more hungry?

Yes, I feel hungrier in the cold, possibly because of the heat generated by food intake. Conversely, in summer heat, my body requires lots of fluids but not as much food; at least, not meat and potatoes.

Why do warmblooded animals need to eat far more than cold-blooded animals?

Because warm blooded animals create thier own heat, hence in order to dessipitate the heat they eat more, in comparison to the cold blooded ones, as a result of which the heat is used up in the metabolisation of the food. However, the cold blooded animals take up heat from the surroundings and hence can regulate what amount of heat they actually require.

Are receptors more numerous when they respond to heat or cold?

cold receptors are more numerous

Is it better to run in the heat or the cold?

It's better in cold because you can run faster. In heat you sweat more than in cold.

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Why is hot food has a stronger smell than cold?

Smell of hot food reaches faster than of cold food because the steam of the hot food mixes with air particles. Air travels around and smell of hot food spreads around. Whereas, cold food has no steam and therefore we do not get the smell of cold food.

Why are there no large reptiles in cold countries?

Larger reptiles need more heat to warm up there body. Cold countries, being cold, cannot supply that heat.

Are cold or heat receptors more numerous?

More cool receptors than warm receptors in the skin.

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Hot Water extinguishes more effectively than cold water as it has a higher specific heat capacity than cold water.

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