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Gravity is the force which makes a thrown ball fall back to the ground. It is the force which attracts all objects to the Earth.

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Q: Which force makes a thrown ball fall back to the ground?
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Why do things thrown upward fall back to the ground?

Because of the force of gravity

What is the force that pulls an airplane back?

the answer to this question is pull it is the opposite to push.push is the force that makes it go forward and pull is the force to bring you back...go liverpuddlians:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Why does a ball bounce back upon a falling?

Because when it falls with a speed of let's say 10 mph, It hits the ground, and upon impact the ground takes the kinetic force/momentum/scientific thingamabob and returns it with the same force, and that causes the ball to bounce back. Like if you hit your head off a wall, it hurts because the wall bounces back the force that you hit your head off with back to your head.

Whenever you exert a force on an object the object exerts a force back on you that is?

Simple answer: yes In order for you to stand, talk, move... ect objects must exert a force on you. For example if you are standing on the ground, the ground has to be pushing back at you, or you would just fall through. If an object doesn't exert the same force you exert on it, then you are moving the object.

Newton's Third Law says that for every action there is an equal and opposite?

The answer is reaction. A simple example is you standing on the ground. You are not moving or accelerating (in our reference frame). You are pushing down against the ground with a force (the action) equal to your weight. The ground pushes back up (opposite direction) with an equal force (the reaction force).

Related questions

Why do things thrown upward fall back to the ground?

Because of the force of gravity

An object thrown vertically up wards from the ground returned back to the ground in 6s after it was thown up if it reached a height of 12m calculate?

An object thrown vertically up wards from the ground returned back to the ground in 6s after it was thown up if it reached a height of 12m calculate?

What force is responsible for a football falling back to the ground?


What force brings the basketball back to the ground?

Umm i believe its gravity...?

If a ball is thrown up into the air at what point does it have the least potential energy?

When it is lowest - that's when you just threw it, or when it falls back to the ground.

What is the force that pulls an airplane back?

the answer to this question is pull it is the opposite to push.push is the force that makes it go forward and pull is the force to bring you back...go liverpuddlians:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Why doesn't the ground fly up when you take my foot off it if according to Newton's Third Law the ground pushes up on my foot with a force equal to the force of my foot pressing on the ground?

Well, if you don't push down the normal force will not push back.

How does water return to the ocean?

Yes. It is because of gravity that water seeks it's own level. That is why when it rains the rain flows to the lowest spot and most of it drains into the seas and oceans. Just as gravity makes dirt that has been thrown into the air settle back to the ground it makes water flow down the beach back into the sea.

How does a crowbar changes force?

A crowbar changes force whenever you lift the crowbar handles up and then put the crowbar handles back to the ground!!!!!

Does a crowbar change force?

A crowbar changes force whenever you lift the crowbar handles up and then put the crowbar handles back to the ground!!!!!

As you leap upward from the ground how does the force that you exert on the ground compare with your weight?

As you leap upward from the ground, the force exerted on the ground in the moment of leaping is greater than your weight. This allows you to accelerate upwards. Gravity, of course, will bring you back down, causing another momentary force on the ground in excess of your weight as you decelerate.

Why isn't gravity pulling the universe back together?

gravity is a force that pulls us on to the ground and earth makes the gravity.In space there is no gravity (scientist call this zero gravity) so gravity isn't pulling the universe back because there is no gravity outside planets.