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Q: Which form of vegetarianism allows foods from plants sources only?
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What is history of vegetarianism?

It's probably the oldest diet as vegetable based foods are easier to acquire than are animal based foods....the world's oldest religion, Hinduism advocates vegetarianism.

What is the relationship between vegetarianism and life after death?

There is no relationship between the two. Vegetarianism is a diet practice which defines which foods can and cannot be eaten. It makes no spiritual or religious claims that would address life after death.

What has the author Martin Gay written?

Martin Gay has written: 'Eating what grows naturally' -- subject(s): Vegetarianism, Vegetarian cookery, Cookery (Natural foods), Natural foods

True or false that sea plants and fish are excellent sources of minerals that mayenrich your diets?

true. in fact they are better than earth foods.

What are some foods sources of man during early civilization?

I think green plants were a good source of food in earlier days which we are still continuing.

What foods comes from plants?

Many foods comr from plants. Fruits, vegetables, and grain all come from plants.

What is the history of vegetarianism?

As old as history. The world's oldest civilization, the Indians, are mostly vegetarian. It's probably the oldest diet as vegetable based foods are easier to acquire than are animal based foods....the world's oldest religion, Hinduism advocates vegetarianism.It is the earliest diet of humans; when you think about it; it is much easier to eat plants than to hunt and slaughter animals.

What is the sources of starches?

Starch is produced in green plants and used as stored energy. It is synthesized in the leaves. Some foods that are in the starch category are corn, pasta, grains, and potatoes.

Foods that come from plants?

lots of foods come from plants. i am doing a project, and i have to name 20 things from plants. One of the foods is apples, bananas, strawberries, and lots more!

What are the sources of glow foods?

Sources of glow foods include vegetables and fruits such as pineapples, squash, watermelon and cauliflower. Glow foods contain high amounts of minerals and vitamins.

How can vegetarianism solve world food problems?

There isn't anything related to vegetarianism and the world's food problem. The solution is sharing. Do you have some food left? Give it to poor. Do not throw foods away. Give it to Orphanages. Modifying feeding habits won't solve starvation on the world. Awareness will do.

Is vegetarianism Heathy?

Yes, just as long as you eat healthy foods, {little or no sugar} and suppliment for the amino acids normally obtained from the digestion of meat products.