

Which four states grow the most corn?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Indiana are the top five.

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Q: Which four states grow the most corn?
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Does the American south grow the most corn on earth?

No, the American South does not grow the most corn on Earth. The United States is the world leader in corn production, but most corn is grown in the Midwest. This area is sometimes called the Corn Belt.

What happen to most of the corn grow in the united states?

It is eaten by animals

Name states that grow the most corn?

One half of all US corn is grown in Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska and Minnesota.

Which states that do not grow corn?

Alaska, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont do not produce corn. The Person who wrote this comment above is incorrect. Yes Alaska and Hawaii do not grow corn. But seriously you think Massachusetts doesn't grow corn. If people know there history, you would know that the Native Americans in Massachusetts grew the 3 sisters. CORN, beans, and squash. They also grew strawberries, watermelon, pumpkins etc. Even today the New England states grow corn. Most farms in All of New England except for Rhode Island, Maine, and New Hampshire grow corn. Not sure about Nevada, but if they can grow corn in Arizona, they must be able to grow corn in Nevada.

In the us where does most corn grow?

In Iowa.

Where does most corn grow?

Most of the US supply of field (dent) corn comes from the three "I" states; Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana. Although some corn of one type or another is grown in nearly every state, and large amounts are produced across the entire Midwest and Plains states, these three produce far and away the most.

Where is corn grown in illinois?

Many farmers grow corn in Illinois. The south central region below Chicago is where the most corn is grown in Illinois.

Does corn grow better in acid or alkaline soil?

most vegetables, as including corn, grow well in acid soil and acidic soil isn't a problem for them.

The group of states in the Midwest that produce the most corn yearly are known as the?

Corn Belt.

What city of Mexico grow the most corn?

Sinaloa is the state with the largest production of corn in Mexico. Its capital Culiacan is also close to the most productive corn fields in such country.

What crops grow in the time of Jesus?

Corn and rice were the most popular.

Why is the corn belt called the corn belt?

Meat Belt might be a better name for the Corn Belt because most of the corn is grown for animal consumption, particularly pigs. The grain is fed to animals, either on the farms themselves or in special complexes or on feedlots. Although corn is produced in the Corn Belt, it is not necessarily the ultimate product, beef from cattle and pork from hogs and pigs are.