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Q: Which gas in air supports combustion?
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What gas in the air do you need to make fire?

Oxygen. It supports combustion.

What is an active gas in the air that is necessary for combustion?

Oxygen is the required gas that is necessary for combustion

If you say 'oxygen gas supports combustion' are you talking about a chemical or physical reaction?

Combustion is a hemical reaction.

Does chlorine support combustion?

Chlorine gas supports the vigorous combustion of many elements to form their chlorides. For example, Sulphur and Phosphorus burn in the gas.

Who discovered oxygen the gas that supports combustion and life?

Julius Ascutia Gardiola

Which gas supports combustion other than oxygen?

Hydrogen burns in Chlorine to form HCl. Thus, CHLORINE gas supports the burning of Hydrogen.

Does combustion require oxygen?

yes this is because it is the only gas that supports burning. yes

How many gallons of air to burn a gallon of gas in an internal combustion engine?


Is supports combustion chemical property?

is supports combustion is a chemical properties

How does an engine or motor work?

with combustion .. their are 3 componats of combustion -gas - air - and spark .. which creates combustion

What is the purpose of mixing air with gas when using a Bunsen burner?

The amount of air with gas will affect the combustion reaction.

How is water different from the elements which made them?

Hydrogen gas and oxygen gas are gases at room temperature. Oxygen supports combustion and hydrogen is very combustible. Water is a liquid at room temperature and is not combustible and does not support combustion.