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Carbon dioxide will keep a balloon inflated longer than helium will, because its molecules are much larger and therefore less able to escape through the material of which the balloon is made.On the other hand, helium is much lighter so will give a balloon greater lift while it lasts.

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Q: Which gas inflates a balloon the longest carbon dioxide or helium and why?
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What happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar in a balloon?

The balloon inflates with carbon dioxide because mixing baking soda and vinegar causes a chemical reaction between the acetic acid in vinegar and sodium bicarbonate in baking soda. Once the reaction completes its first step, the product is carbonic acid that decomposes into carbon dioxide and water. When the entire reaction is complete sodium acetate, water, and carbon dioxide remain. The carbon dioxide is the gas that fills the balloon.

What is a carbon dioxide balloon?

A balloon with CO2 instead of helium or hydrogen

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Yeast are tiny animals. When they eat, they release carbon dioxide. That "inflates" the dough.

Why does'nt a balloon with carbon dioxide float and a balloon with helium does?

Because, carbon dioxide is heavier than air whereas helium is lighter than air.

What air is used to blow a balloon with the mouth?

Carbon dioxide, the air we have in us that we breath out. Carbon dioxide doesn't make the balloon float in the air, while Helium does.

What makes a balloon inflate using baking powder and vinegar?

The reaction between vinegar and baking soda is that of an acid plus a carbonate.ACID + BASE --> SALT + WATER + CARBON DIOXIDEThe carbon dioxide causes the balloon to inflate.The reaction: CH3COOH + NaHCO3 --> CH3COONa + H2O + CO2.

Is Carbon dioxide filled with balloon a chemical change?

No. helium is released in outer air but does not lose or change its chemical formula

What is the gas in a balloon that a human blows up?

well since we breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, it would have to be carbon Dioxide

Why wouldn't yeast and water inflate a balloon unless you add sugar?

The sugar is needed as food for the yeast. The yeast gives off carbon dioxide as it digests the sugar. The carbon dioxide could be used to inflate the balloon. Without the sugar, the yeast remains dormant and does not give off carbon dioxide.

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A hydrogen balloon will deflate the fastest because molecules of hydrogen are the smallest and thus will more easily slip through the latex of the balloon. The carbon dioxide-filled balloon will deflate the slowest because these molecules are the biggest, and thus will have more trouble escaping the tiny pores in the balloon.

What will happen to a tied balloon that has dry ice inside it when it is placed in room temperature water?

The balloon should expand because the frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice) will sublime into carbon dioxide gas when placed into the room temperature water. The gas will expand, causing the balloon to expand.