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Q: Which gas is given off when carbonate reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid?
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What is the gas given off when dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium carbonate?

The hydrogen chloride: HCl.

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Preparation of standard solution and standardization of hydrochloric acid Objective : To prepare a standard solution of sodium carbonate and use it to standardize a given solution of dilute hydrochloric acid. Introduction : Anhydrous sodium carbonate is a suitable chemical for preparing a standard solution (as a primary standard). The molarity of the given hydrochloric acid can be found by titrating it against the standard sodium carbonate solution prepared. The equation for the complete neutralization of sodium carbonate with dilute hydrochloric acid is Na2CO3(aq) + 2HCl(aq) → 2NaCl(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) The end-point is marked by using methyl orange as indicator. Chemicals :solid sodium carbonate, 0.1 M hydrochloric acid

How is heat energy given out when acid reacts with carbonate?

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What gas is given off when you react dilute hydrochloric acid with calcium carbonate how can you tell when the reaction is finished?

The reaction is:CaCO3 + 2 HCl = CaCl2 + CO2(gas) + H2OThe reaction is finished when CaCO3 is integrally reacted.

What minerals react to hydrochloric acid?

Calcite (CaCO3) fizzes when it comes into contact with hydrochloric acid.

What equipment would you need to prove that energy is given out when an acid reacts with a carbonate?

ignited matchstick

What would you see if a piece of magnesium ribbon reacts with dilute hydrocholric acid?

You would see bubbles (effervescence) of Hydrogen gas being given off as the reaction happens.Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid ------> Magnesium Chloride + HydrogenMetal + acid ------> Metal Salt + Hydrogen

What happen when dilute nitric acid is added to a sample of chalk?

Chalk is calcium carbonate (CaCO3) thus addition of dilute acid will produce carbon dioxide and a calcium salt. E.g. addition of dilute hydrochloric acid will produce CO2 and calcium chloride (CaCl2).

When an acid reacts with a carbonate what gas is given off?

its obvious..when an acid is reacting with a carbonate 3 things are made: Metal Salt Water Carbon Dioxide so the gas that would be given off is carbon dioxide

Why does a pop sound happen when you add heat on top of the magnesium metal and hydrochloric acid?

reacts with hydrogen gas given off.

When magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid what acid is given off?

No acid is formed. The reaction produces hydrogen gas and magnesium chloride, a salt.

What happen of mixed calcium chloride solution and sodium carbonate solution filtering and wash the residue with distilled water allow to dry adding hydrochloric acid?

Carbon dioxide gas is given out! Explanation: calcium carbonate precipitates from mixing calcium chloride solution and sodium carbonate solution, because it has low solubility in water. When it meets strong acid (HCl), it reacts to give out carbon dioxide while forming calcium chloride in the aqueous solution.